I may never bake another regular sized chocolate chip cookie again. I admit I am a sweets fanatic and these giant size cookies are just my style. I can eat only one and be completely satisfied. These cookies are big enough to share and that is a very nice thing to do! I am not a very good sharer, particularly when it comes to food. I’ve been known to share a sweater, perfume, pens, books, nail polish, etc. but when it comes to food, I usually want my portion all to myself. That’s the thing about this cookie – I am able to break it in half and share, willingly. Take note, this is a rare occasion.
Since my man Dan helped me put a shady cover over my bee hives the girls are much more comfortable. Oh, our temperature is still reaching 3 digits but they aren’t working as hard to stabilize the temperature in their hives. I am still feeding two hives and they are happily guzzling their sugar syrup. Later in the week I will be able to make a full inspection of all the hives and I’ll keep you posted.
Giant Chocolate Chip Cookies
3/4 cup butter or margarine
1/4 cup shortening
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
21/4 cups flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 12 ounce package semisweet chocolate chips
Large handful of chopped pecans, or your favorite nut
Preheat oven to 350*. Cream butter and shortening together; gradually add sugars, beating well at medium speed with an electric or stand mixer. Add eggs and vanilla, beat well. Combine flour soda and salt, mix well and add to creamed mixture, mixing well. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
Drop dough by 1/4 cupfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets. Lightly press each mound of dough into a 3-inch circle with fingers. Bake for 15-17 minutes.
Those are the mother of all cookies, and still I don’t think I’d share one with you. There’s more than one in a batch! You’re welcome to share my nail polish though.
Katherine -I hope this is your reply! If not -Greg- I’m a little worried about the polish thing!…..:-)
A 1/4 cupful cookie! It’s all mine! They look perfect, Linda. Did you need a supersized glass of milk too?!
Hey! These look so good! I seriously want one right now (and don’t know if I’d share it either)
I tagged you for the “7 links” game on my blog!! Hope you are doing well! http://www.ryanbakes.com/2011/08/my-7-links.html