Hello my friends and followers…I wanted to take a second to let you all know I’ve not forgotten my responsibility as a food blogger. Tomorrow Miss T will graduate from high school and begin the next journey in her life. With a house full of company, a holiday weekend, a big reason to celebrate, food, laughter, family and friends my blog will be taking a back seat for the next day or two.
I hope that all of you have enjoyed a relaxing long weekend and are ready for summer. Thanks for dropping in and check back soon as I’ve got many more bee stories and recipes to share with you. I’ll be going through a large box of tissues tomorrow evening as my baby girl walks the stage but what an exciting time in her life! I plan on relishing every moment of it with her.
A big day in your family’s life…give her my congratulations on a job well done.
Thank you!
Congratulations to your daughter and hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating!!