Maui Wowie – Wow, it has been far too long since I sat and wrote a blog post. I will thank Covid19, also referred to as, coronavirus, rona, covie and I am sure more. Talk about in a funk! I recently came out of my funk by taking a trip to Maui, Hawaii, USA.
Prior to traveling to the Hawaiian islands, like most of the world and you, I have been holed up at home for too many months. I did work a couple of part time jobs during the holiday season but they ended with Christmas. Being at a job, masked and around masked people was a welcome break from the monotony of the four walls of my home. My home has more than four walls but you know precisely what I mean, as I am speculating that you have been staring at the four walls of your abode too. Are we over this yet?
Throughout these months of pandemic plight I have made a couple of trips to visit family in Texas, a quick family girls trip to the OBX, a jump down to Miami to hang with my unofficially adopted daughter from Russia, (that is a story of Hallmark variety) another long weekend at the OBX with my bestie as well as a short trip to the mountains in October to see the beautiful leaves change. So, I shouldn’t complain too much as I’ve had some reprieve from those four walls. Always wearing a mask, socially distancing, washing my hands like a mad woman and keeping those I chose to be around to what seemed like safe bets!
But, you know what I recently realized I really miss? I miss the freedom to be amongst a large crowd if I choose, to hear conversations and laughter in a room full of people. It feels risky to start a chat with someone while in line at the grocery store or in the airport. I think we’ve all learned to smile with our eyes since our mouths are constantly hidden behind the mask! I miss seeing an entire smiling face – never quite feel like I know what a person truly looks like! Do you wince if you feel the need to sneeze or cough in public? So crazy, I feel like strangers may look at me as if I am a carrier of a virus I have so far escaped.
To move on. I’ve missed blogging, writing mostly. It is such a wonderful release and captures thoughts, moments and feelings. Spending time in Hawaii with family and friends reminded me that our time should be spent doing things that make us happy. Going forward this is my plan. I want to share with you my experiences in Maui, the food, the beaches, the nature of an island. This makes me happy and I hope you will find some happiness in the stories.
I’ve received my first vaccine and am scheduled for the second. This is somewhat reassuring that life as I’ve always known it will return sooner than later. I implore you to stay safe and be conscious of the well-being of others you are around. Leave me a comment and share with me how you’ve survived the pandemic. What do you miss, how do you feel, what are your future plans? Keep your eyes open for my accounts of three glorious weeks in paradise USA, Maui Wowie!
There are many changes that have taken place in my life over the last 16 or so months and I am contemplating writing about these life changing events. I believe there are some of you, my readers who will relate and hopefully find value in my words. Coming soon…… Aloha!
I am just emerging from the unprecedented Texas winter storm we loving named Snovid. Sitting on my deck, in a lovely 77 degree afternoon (welcome to Texas 🤪) sipping on some Chardonnay, and up pops your post!! This has made my day/week/month!
Happy to accommodate! Stay safe!
Well, my life seems like it’s been a year of zoom meetings and “visiting” online. Thank God for the internet. Like everyone else, last year’s vacation was cancelled and we elected to stay home for the holidays, only having Stephanie & Sean here and zooming with most everyone else we knew who were doing the same. We did skype with you guys who seemed to weather a large group well, but we thought it was better to play it safe. We have been playing bocce outdoors with friends every week, everyone wearing a mask. Indoors has mostly just been to the grocery store with very few exceptions . Finally decided to get 7:00 a.m. dentist appts, as this pandemic dragged on and we couldn’t just skip the dentist for over a year. So thought getting in first thing in the morning was safest. We did manage to get away to the Southern Oregon/NorCal coast in Sept and Santa Barbara in Nov. We stayed in airbnbs, so we were the only ones there, hiked and ate in restaurants with outdoor seating and felt pretty safe. Now we’ve both had our second shots and are thinking that things are looking up. We hope we can plan a vacation for fall, fingers crossed, and life will start to look a little more normal.
I understand all of that! Glad you guys got your vaccines!