The birthday celebration was fabulous. In fact it was so fabulous that we didn’t shoot many photos. We were immersed in party mode. I am sorry to say I won’t be posting pictures of the evening. I will tell you that the meal prepared by our friends the Flanigan’s was superb. Bone-in rib eye grilled to perfection, delicious salad and twice baked potatoes. The champagne was poured, the sun set gloriously in the hills, we savored every bite of dinner, the gifts were opened with pleasure by the birthday girl and the Italian Cream cake was sliced, served and enjoyed. Let me mention that the next morning two people ate a piece of cake before breakfast, two people ate a piece after breakfast and the birthday girl wrapped up one piece to take home. It disappeared in record time! I must admit it was fantastic.
The next morning after cake and breakfast some of us went on an adventure to view a Bald Eagle’s nest down the river from Flanigan’s. I don’t know if you have ever been fortunate enough to see this magnificent bird. I’ve not had the pleasure more than twice to see them in the wild so I was psyched. We hiked to the site where the nest is in view and behold – there sat the female on her nest, her white head up, scouring the neighborhood for intruders. With binoculars we could easily see her protecting her nest and eggs. The male was nowhere in sight, not on his usual perches, although he had been sighted earlier in the morning gliding along the river in search of food. We turned back to home and passed the hill leading to the house. We were now walking along the river, observing fish, turtles and the birds who skim the water for food. We noticed a Blue Heron suddenly leave the water and flap his huge wings quickly heading upstream. As we witnessed his departure lo and behold flying downstream was the guy we’d been hoping to see. It could not have been better orchestrated. The male eagle flew directly toward us and overhead as we stood in amazement at his beauty, majesty and size. Mission accomplished!
Today I spent several hours with Mr. Floyd, my bee mentor. To read more about my bee adventures and see some photos check out the “Bees & Honey” page at the top of my blog.
Later this week you should look forward to my recipe for “True Texas Chili”. Hopefully I will find time to have your mouth-watering about another delicious blue plate special in the next couple of days. We are expecting extremely cold, frigid, windy weather beginning tomorrow and carrying on for the remainder of the week. What sounds good?
looking forward to making your cake to go with our chili for Super Bowl!!
I have no doubts that you will like it!