On Saturday Miss T was, of course, not in school and we needed something fun to do – at home. Remember, I was waiting for a day to spend at home from last weekend. This weekend turned out head and shoulders above the last in the hanging out at home department. We discussed baking something […]
The One That Got Away
Do you ever have days when all you wish to do is stay at home? I have oodles of days when that is my wish. This entire weekend I wished for that – but it didn’t work out so well. I don’t mean to complain, but I will be looking forward to the next day […]
For The Love of Lemon
Welcome my friends! My apologies for having been gone so many days. This past week did not allow time for me to join you here, at The Orange Bee. My absence has been at the forefront of my thoughts everyday. I am happy to return and share with you an ideal recipe for this warm, […]
An Exciting Day
My bees have arrived! My excitement level has been high today. I’m feeling a little more calm now that they are settled and I believe I will be able to tell you a little about the day. This morning I was pretty anxious waiting for my bees to be delivered. The weather was not cooperating […]
Butter Fricky
I had never heard the phrase “butter fricky” until last Thursday – have you ever heard it? Last week in my pre-school class we baked biscuits and made honey-butter. I baked the biscuits, Pillsbury frozen ones, which I happen to think are pretty darn tasty, while the kids were in library time. After they returned […]
Snow Day Muffins
The Orange Bee is home-bound today. Thick ice covers the roads, wind is whipping through at 30-40 mph, temperature a frigid 21*and dropping. While watching the birds at the feeders today I’ve noticed them being blown from one spot to the next as their tiny feet slip and slide across the icy ground. It is […]
Gooey Finger-Lickin’ Grilled Cheese
In the home of “The Orange Bee” when it is announced that grilled cheese is on the menu it is consistently met with “ooohhh, aahhh, & mmm…”. My fabulous family thinks of it as comfort food, do you? The following recipe is not the standard slice of American cheese on white bread version. I don’t […]
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