Pumpkin Loaves. This recipe is from the first cookbook I obtained as an adult, well if you consider 19 adulthood. I did way back then, but of course that was before I had kids of my own. The book needs to go to a book binder and be put back together. It is so well used it’s […]
Recipe Round-Up – Our Growing Edge
I am honored to host the November 2014 edition of Our Growing Edge-a monthly blogging event that brings bloggers worldwide together to share their recipes. You know what the best part of this is? I’ll be sharing them with you! Get excited…..get VERY excited! Let’s get started with Andre The Baker. She is 19, a baker, […]
Dangerously Delicious Hot Spiced Wine
Chilly fall temperatures turned to bone chilling temperatures this past weekend in the Carolinas. Weather fit for a glass of Hot Spiced Wine. The aroma, a bouquet of cinnamon, citrus and pepper. The flavor, rousing to the taste buds, sweet, spicy, peppery, smooth, with warm citrus notes. It goes down easily and might lure you into multiple […]
Miss “T’s Italian Parsley Pesto
Miss “T” is home from college and bored as she can be. She has looked and looked for a job but to her dismay no one has hired her. Personally I think the jobs were filled by time she was home and able to apply. I’ve made an effort to encourage her to kick back […]
Bouquet Garni
My house is filled with the aroma of smoked something……. I found myself with a smoked turkey carcass with which to make some homemade broth. I decided to add a “Bouquet Garni” to the mirepoix to add some flavor other than the smokey one. My bouquet consisted of fresh Italian parsley, fresh thyme, bay […]
A Story About Mushrooms
I have a story about mushrooms to share with you. We love mushrooms at The Orange Bee. We like them sauteed in butter and garlic, in salads, served with pasta and parmesan, baked, roasted, marinated, grilled, you name it. Miss T is particularly fond of mushrooms and always has been. When she was a little […]
It’s Thyme For Mushrooms
I’m in love with this dish! Earthy mushrooms, fragrant thyme and sharp parmesan lend themselves to an array of entrees. I served these mushrooms over a bed of fresh, lightly sautéed spinach, alongside a standing rib roast. It was about as perfect as could be. The mixture would be fantastic spooned over pasta, flanking chicken, beef […]
The Day Of The Last Supper
My mind is a jumble of emotions, questions, feelings and thoughts. I’d love to make or bake some delicious recipe to share with you but that’s not happening today. Today is the day of “The Last Supper”, not the one with Jesus and his followers but our last meal with Miss T before she heads […]
A Vegetable Isn’t A Vegetable
Down South, even our vegetables have some pig hidden somewhere in it. A vegetable isn’t a vegetable without a little ham hock. Paula Deen Ah Ha…I finally found a recipe using vegetables that appealed to me. I think the reason I only want to eat fresh fruit has to do with the heat factor. Soon […]
No Matter How You Dice It
I promised you recipes featuring fresh fruits and veggies of summer. Here is a recipe you can play with, add to, change, etc. and I’m convinced it will be delicious, no matter how you dice it. I had a few peaches hanging around and fresh garden tomatoes staring from the window sill, begging to be […]