Back in the day, BK, (before kids) I could be found wiling away my time during the summer months preserving fruits and veggies. Such a simple procedure for such a delicious and worthy outcome. What is more wonderful than popping the sealed lid from a jar of home canned preserves, tomatoes, okra or green beans […]
The Day Of The Last Supper
My mind is a jumble of emotions, questions, feelings and thoughts. I’d love to make or bake some delicious recipe to share with you but that’s not happening today. Today is the day of “The Last Supper”, not the one with Jesus and his followers but our last meal with Miss T before she heads […]
I Don’t Like Pie
Or so says Miss T! It’s a true statement, the kid won’t eat a slice of pie but she likes to make and bake pies. When she was around eleven years old I signed her up for a pie making class at Central Market around the Christmas holidays.
Summer Fruits For You
When I learned that my favorite peach orchard would be closed until next summer as of this weekend, I knew I’d better take a drive and stock up on fresh peaches. Ham’s Orchard in Terrell, Texas offers up fresh picked peaches all summer long but alas peach season is almost over. I’ve watched Ham’s go […]
I Want To Bathe In This
Seriously! I want to fill up the bathtub and slide right in. Honey-Lemon Custard is a simple dessert, a little tangy, a little sweet, creamy, full of honey, lemon and vanilla flavors.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Breakfast
This is my breakfast. I eat yogurt topped with a combination of fruit, honey and often times granola, most days of the week. Not that I think it necessary for you to be enlightened to my breakfast choices, but fruit is an ongoing theme this summer and today it seemed effortless to photograph and then […]
A Sweet Sticky Suggestion
I began this month thinking that I would post recipes using fresh local fruits and vegetables from my area. It seems as though I’m stuck on the fruits. I’m drawn to the sweet, juiciness of summer melons, peaches, and berries. The scent of a ripe strawberry, peach or melon entices me to load ’em up […]
Do You Know What Angels Eat?
“The true Southern watermelon is a boon apart, and not to be mentioned with commoner things. It is chief of this world’s luxuries, king by the grace of God over all the fruits of the earth. When one has tasted it, he knows what the angels eat. It was not a Southern watermelon that Eve took; we […]
I Won The Giveaway & Naked Berry Pies
I was pleasantly surprised, well it was more like totally excited when Ryan, over at Ryan Bakes held a giveaway for one of her favorite cookbooks and I won! The title, Desserts From The Famous Loveless Cafe. You’ll find the The Loveless Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee and opened its doors in 1951.
No Matter How You Dice It
I promised you recipes featuring fresh fruits and veggies of summer. Here is a recipe you can play with, add to, change, etc. and I’m convinced it will be delicious, no matter how you dice it. I had a few peaches hanging around and fresh garden tomatoes staring from the window sill, begging to be […]