Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

In just a few days I will be conducting my very first Central Market Cooking School class. I am ready to do this! Here is the link – http://www.centralmarket.com/Stores/Fort-Worth.aspx. If you’re close by and would like to sign up click on the cooking school icon, I believe there are a few seats available.
Now that I’ve declared January “orange” month I’m feeling so cheerful, even with the cold, grey, wet days our week started off with. This recipe not only showcases the healthy orange carrot but is full of flavor from freshly zested orange rind. You see I’m still captivated by my new micro-planes and looking for any […]
To quote Lucy Van Pelt in Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz, “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Today I made a Chocolate Pecan Loaf Cake, I’ve got love, but I needed a little chocolate. I am considering submitting a few recipes for a holiday recipe contest sponsored […]
Seventeen days of temperatures topping 100*. Thank goodness for an air-conditioned home where we can find respite from the intolerable heat. One of our favorite ways to spend the late afternoon or cocktail hour is lounging in our rockers on the back porch, with a commanding view of the surrounding countryside, complete with grazing cattle, […]