In mid-July I traveled to New York City for the BlogHer15 conference. The conference schedule is non-stop but I found that I had a few free hours midweek to explore the city. Having lived in NYC for a couple of years, back in the day, I wasn’t interested in merely pounding the pavement and hitting all […]
Food Tour – Charlotte
Recently I had the pleasure of attending a walking food tour in Charlotte, N.C. My daughter was visiting from Napa, where we had taken a food tour back in January. She suggested a local tour in North Carolina and since I thoroughly enjoy these kinds of “tours” I hooked us up with Tour de Food – […]
Seafood Dinner
I’m so excited today to share a fresh, healthy and savory seafood recipe with you. What I am even more psyched about is my partnership with the Sustainable Seafood Blog Project! Participating in a conversation about sustainability, especially when it comes to our seafood, justifies my struggle with seeking out and purchasing sustainable seafood. Most of us don’t think of fish […]
Mispronounced Food Words
Food words are often mispronounced. I attribute this to the fact that so many of the foods we enjoy are not “American”. We love foods from so many countries here in America that we need lessons in how to correctly pronounce some of these words! How about “Ancho” or “Anise“, “Croissant” or “Boudin” (one of my […]
Recipe Round-Up – Our Growing Edge
I am honored to host the November 2014 edition of Our Growing Edge-a monthly blogging event that brings bloggers worldwide together to share their recipes. You know what the best part of this is? I’ll be sharing them with you! Get excited…..get VERY excited! Let’s get started with Andre The Baker. She is 19, a baker, […]
Faux Mac & Cheese
I’ve been finding all sorts of positives in my life of late, sans the Mr. The obvious positive is, he’s been shooting furniture out-of-state for a well-known retailer for 5 weeks now. Bringin’ home the bacon = good. Another less important but equally positive aspect is the ease of making the bed each morning. Basically […]
A Story About Mushrooms
I have a story about mushrooms to share with you. We love mushrooms at The Orange Bee. We like them sauteed in butter and garlic, in salads, served with pasta and parmesan, baked, roasted, marinated, grilled, you name it. Miss T is particularly fond of mushrooms and always has been. When she was a little […]
Potato-Gorgonzola Gratin
Today is Friday. I feel as if it is Tuesday or Wednesday. Does that ever happen to you? There is a change in the way your week generally goes and the next thing you know, you don’t know what day it is! Adoring hubby and I took off for the hill country,
It’s Thyme For Mushrooms
I’m in love with this dish! Earthy mushrooms, fragrant thyme and sharp parmesan lend themselves to an array of entrees. I served these mushrooms over a bed of fresh, lightly sautéed spinach, alongside a standing rib roast. It was about as perfect as could be. The mixture would be fantastic spooned over pasta, flanking chicken, beef […]
Dinner With The Orange Bee
Wow! That was a blast….being guest chef at Central Market’s Dinner With The Orange Bee. Leading up to class I shared all of the tasty recipes we would make. I wanted to recap the evening, briefly. Then I”ll be sharing a peachy little recipe with you. The folks at CM were very easy and pleasant […]