I’m getting a kick out of reading the recipes in my old cook books. I admit it’s a bit of a challenge to find ones that I want to make and know we will enjoy eating. The book I used today is The Lily Wallace New American Cook Book. Lily Haxworth Wallace is listed as […]
Yep, It’s Monday
I had plans to bake and bring you some delicious, sweet little recipe today….It wasn’t meant to be! The water heater flooded my laundry room and storage closet this morning, which forced me to shut off the water to the entire house, until I could crank the knob on the dad gum thing to off. […]
Honey-Glazed Carrots
Now that I’ve declared January “orange” month I’m feeling so cheerful, even with the cold, grey, wet days our week started off with. This recipe not only showcases the healthy orange carrot but is full of flavor from freshly zested orange rind. You see I’m still captivated by my new micro-planes and looking for any […]
Farmers Markets & Fried Okra
We’ve visited a lovely and lively farmers market that is close by a few times this summer. Always leaving with lots of fresh, local veggies, fruits and homemade breads. With our weather finally cooling off a bit it seemed perfect to hit the market again. Today we decided to check out a different one that […]
Homemade Applesauce & A Visitor
As I was looking through the lens of my camera, while photographing this applesauce, I heard a soft little “bzzzzz”. I pulled my eye away from the camera to discover a sweet little bee stopping by for a sample of homemade applesauce. Now she is one smart bee! The hives are not near where I […]
Summer & American Potato Salad
Memorial Day is less than a week away and that means summer is upon us. What comes to mind when you think of summer? Sandy beaches, popsicles, picnics in the park, juicy peaches, sitting under a shady tree, cold watermelon, BBQ’s, pool parties, garden fresh tomatoes, cool mountain air, homemade ice cream, long days and […]
Eat Your Vegetables
Today is an oatmeal day. Temperatures dipping markedly below freezing, winds are still blowing through and the world of The Orange Bee remains covered in ice. After a quick jaunt on the treadmill I made a steamy bowl of oatmeal with raisins, nuts and brown sugar. It warmed me up through and through. I am […]