I recently traveled to Rhode Island and New Hampshire for a week of fun with a girlfriend. We ate, drank, shopped, skied, drank more, watched chick flicks, ate more, shopped more and slept enough. It was a great time for me. My adoring hubby on the other hand suffered the effects of eating out most […]
Beef & Wild Mushroom Stew
Finally December 20th and it’s downright chilly in Texas. Yesterday it was 78* and last night a fierce wind shuttled in a cold front dropping temps to the low 30’s and highs in the 40’s*. It feels like Christmas!
Bouquet Garni
My house is filled with the aroma of smoked something……. I found myself with a smoked turkey carcass with which to make some homemade broth. I decided to add a “Bouquet Garni” to the mirepoix to add some flavor other than the smokey one. My bouquet consisted of fresh Italian parsley, fresh thyme, bay […]
Root Soup
“Wow, I am so happy to back at my desk, punching the keyboard and visiting with you! I trust you all had a warm and thankful holiday last week, complete with too much food, friends and family gathered ’round and maybe a football game or two. The Orange Bee kitchen was abuzz with long time […]
Uncle Ray’s Green Chili
Just when you think warm weather is here to stay old man winter blows through and reminds us that winter isn’t quite over. Chilly temps, outrageous winds, rain and grey skies played perfectly into my hand for “going green” month.
Leap Day Soup
I concluded that with today being Leap Day in this Leap Year I should take full advantage of it and write one last post featuring “soup”. Ah, yes soup month has come to an end. Today’s soup is a Moroccan Chicken and Butternut Squash Soup. Somewhat of a departure for me as I have never […]
Spice It Up
The end of “soup month” is fast approaching. We’ve taken pleasure in dining on soup so much this month. The weather brought several polar-like days and those hot, steamy, comforting bowls of soup warmed us through and through. I doubt that any bowl of flavorsome broth warmed us more than this spicy Ancho Pork and […]
Pure Of Heart Soup
“Only the pure of heart can make good soup”, Beethoven. Interesting quote, don’t you think? But then again, Beethoven was an interesting character and quite talented at that! I’m really pleased with todays soup. Roasted Tomato Bisque. Pure deliciousness. It’s made with roasted cherry tomatoes and garlic.
Soup’s On
Wow I’ve missed blogging. Not only have I been incredibly busy the last week or so but when I got a new Mac Mini from my man Dan for Valentines Day my whole world of computers went topsy-turvy. Actually, it is still topsy-turvy! The problem is time – there isn’t enough of it. I […]
A Bowl Of Gumbo
gum*bo noun 1. okra, esp. the gelatinous pods used in cooking. *(in Cajun cooking) a spicy chicken or seafood soup thickened typically with okra or rice. It is tradition around the Orange Bee to make a big ole’ pot of gumbo for Super Bowl Sunday. It played into my hands perfectly this year as February […]