We’re having soup for supper. I changed it up a bit and made a fish chowder. I wanted a simple, yet delicious bowl of soup. Still yearning to fill up “Miss T” who is partial to clams, I thought about clam chowder, but finding fresh clams in my part of the universe is not easy.
More Soup For Supper
I’m happy to report that “Miss T” is on the road to recovery. It was touch and go for a while as not only was her mouth achy but being restricted to a soft diet was hampering her energy level. All the delicious, made with love, pots of soup were not enough to keep up […]
Soup For Supper
It’s amazing how when you have a family member who is relegated to a “soft” diet for a few days how much soup needs to be simmering on the stove. Miss T had wisdom teeth extracted on Saturday and was ordered to stick with a soft diet for one week. Are you kidding me?
My Favorite Color
With fall upon us I’m thinking about soups. Not heavy, hearty ones like we crave in the winter; but nutritious, simple bowls of soup. Sometimes an uncomplicated bowl of soup just fits the bill, perhaps with a crusty loaf of bread or a tossed green salad. One of my go-to cookbooks carries the title “Williams-Sonoma Soup”. […]
One Pot Dinner
The Texas Rangers are in the “World Series”! I’m not a huge baseball fan but when we get into the playoffs I’m there. Now that we’re there, my adoring hubby and I want to cheer on our team – he’s like me when it comes to baseball…when we’re in the playoffs he’s in. In lieu […]
Hatch Chile Recipes, Sugar Syrup & Labor Day
The last long weekend of summer is upon us and I’m in the mood for Hatch chiles and cooler weather. Labor Day, sends that message of less heat outdoors and more heat on the stove. Traditionally it has been unacceptable to wear white after Labor Day. Do you follow this rule? I tend to follow […]
Chili Cook Off Madness
The headline says it all. Today I am entering my first ever cook off of any kind and it’s a chili cook off. Cook offs are not new to me although entering one is untried. I’ve attended my share of chili and gumbo cook offs. Never heard of a gumbo cook off? Well, where I […]
Lew’s Lone Star Chili
It is freezing and windy outside, 32* to be exact. The wind is blowing the snow in circles, around me, around the birds, around everything. My eyes are watering so that I cannot focus. I decided since snow is a rare occurrence in my part of Texas that I should photograph “Lew’s Lone Star Chili” […]
Winter Pinto Beans and Ham
Today has been a glorious day in north central Texas. Crisp, sunny, blue skies will be turning in to rainy, freezing, snowy skies late tonight through tomorrow. Snowfall of 3-6 inches is predicted, not normal weather for these parts. Aware of the approaching storm I spent time outdoors today, taking in the crisp, fresh air, […]