tradition |trəˈdi sh ən|
the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way : every shade of color is fixed by tradition and governed by religious laws.•
a long-established custom or belief that has been passed on in this way : Japan’s unique cultural traditions.
I believe all families have traditions when it comes to the Christmas holiday. I also trust we feel lead to carry on traditions during the Christmas holiday. We have strong traditions at The Orange Bee that have been carried on for years. My girls would flip if they thought we were thinking of changing our special traditions. Possibly it is because we don’t have any black sheep, weirdos, drunkards or such in our family. It saddens me when I hear of a family who eats at a fast food restaurant and watches day time soaps on Christmas Day – I mean, REALLY? I guess not all of us have wonderful traditions to pass along at Christmas.
I feel sure most of you reading this have warm, fuzzy traditions carried out in your families this time of year. To my fellow bloggers, I hope to find a few free minutes to catch up with you and what you’re doing these next couple of days. I’ll be doing a little cooking, a little relaxing, visiting with family and friends, opening a gift or two, imbibing a glass of wine or three, kissing my honey under the misletoe and….well carrying on our family traditions.
One tradition in particular I thought I’d share with you is the baking of a pecan pie. My adoring hubby wouldn’t have it if I didn’t bake one of my delicious pecan pies at Christmas. There is a secret ingredient that makes this pie extra special and holiday worthy. Let’s suffice to say it is the easiest and most lip-smacking pie you’ll find. I baked mine at eight this morning. The fragrance of those toasty pecans and that secret ingredient wafted through the kitchen and stirred taste buds, as we finished our last cups of steamy coffee. You’ll need to read on to discover my secret ingredient.
It just wouldn’t be Christmas without this pie and a few special memory making events taking place over the next couple of days. Candlelight service on the eve of Christmas, a one-pot meal together after church, a roaring fire, dominoes clacking, stocking stuffing partnered with a glass of Courvoissier. Early morning coffee followed by a mimosa or two on Christmas day, paper and ribbons embellishing the floor, hugs and kisses around, handmade, to order omelets, followed by more gift exchange and finally the pièce de résistance, Christmas dinner. This year a standing rib roast with all the trimmings. Yes, yes, I love these traditions, simple as they seem. They are the glue by which families are held together for generations.
I’ll now bid you farewell and wish all of you a Merry Christmas! The Pecan Pie?? Oh, yes, the recipe follows.
Bourbon Pecan Pie
1 cup sugar
3 tbsp. melted butter
1/2 cup dark corn syrup
3 large eggs, beaten
2 cups pecans
3 tbsp. bourbon – (be sure to use true Bourbon from Kentucky)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 9″ deep dish pie shell, unbaked
Preheat oven to 375*
In a medium bowl stir together the sugar and melted butter. Add the corn syrup, eggs, pecans, vanilla and bourbon and stir until all ingredients are combined. Pour mixture into an unbaked pie shell and place on a heavy-duty cookie sheet. Bake for 10 minutes. Lower temp. to 350* and continue baking for an additional 25 minutes, or until pie is set.
Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.
Linda, please give us your pie crust recipe. It looks beautiful!
“be sure to use true Bourbon from Kentucky” Amen, sister! Have a great Christmas. The pie looks just wonderful.
Happy New Year-Karen, Greg and Charles! Greg – Amen is right! Only the best of bourbon will do the trick. Charles it is downright depressing. Our family has so much fun with our traditions and carryings on that it’s hard for me to imagine anything else at Christmas but I know some folks just don’t know how to celebrate. I don’t think any type of retail business should be open on Christmas! Karen – our Christmas was delightful. Hope yours was too in that beautiful setting you live in!
“It saddens me when I hear of a family who eats at a fast food restaurant and watches day time soaps on Christmas Day”
Gah – now that’s just depressing. Well… good luck trying that in France at least. It’s hard enough finding a shop which is open one “regular” holidays, let alone Christmas 😀
I think Greg from Rufus’ Guide made a pecan pie a while back as well with bourbon and I’ve had it on my to-do list ever since. Thanks for reminding me. I always associate these with America – they’re not common in Europe, but God they’re good!
Made it tonight and will eat tomorrow. Can’t wait!!
Sondra – looks like you’ve got the pie crust thing down from your email. I hope your eyes didn’t roll too far back in your head!
I hope your Christmas was wonderful. I’m sure it was from all the lovely traditions that you spoke of. Bourbon pecan pie is absolutely wonderful.
I expect to see this pie next Christmas! See you next year. I love your blog…btw!!!!
You got i, next year, pie. It really made me smile to see your comment, thanks for stopping by!