Why did you start writing a blog?
Good question! Before I started writing my blog I didn’t even know what a blog was. One rare day I had on a morning television show and the reporter was talking about blogs. After I saw the segment I went to my computer and typed in “food blog”. I chose food because I pretty much like anything to do with it! Man, was I surprised to see what was out there in the great big food blogosphere. I debated about beginning one as I’m pretty lame at operating a computer but after I received all my beekeeper gear it seemed a natural way to document my adventures with bees as well as leave a recipe legacy for my two daughters. Plus, I forced myself to learn a bit more about the computer. Thus began, The Orange Bee.
Why/how did you become a beekeeper?
I am asked this question more than any other. I became a beekeeper after an adventure with finding a small colony of bees in a camper we owned. My man Dan wanted to grab a canister of Raid and kill them but for some reason I wouldn’t allow it. I didn’t even know about the decline of bees back then. I spent a couple of hours locating a beekeeper, who subsequently came and captured the bees, queen and all. I found myself thoroughly intrigued with the process. His name was Mr. Floyd, sadly, he passed away a few weeks ago (8.2014). He perceived my interest and simply offered that if I wanted to keep bees he’d teach me and set me up with my first hive. The rest is history. Dan gifted me with a full beekeepers suit and all the gear the following Christmas and thus began my life as a beekeeper.
Why did you name your blog The Orange Bee?
Several reasons. I wanted it to reflect food and bees. Orange is my favorite color, one of my favorite flavors and I was born in a town named Orange. Once those two words formed together in my head it stuck. I still like it.
Your husband is a commercial photographer, does he shoot your photos?
NO, he does not. Believe me, in the beginning he tried his darnedest to get his finger on the shutter button but I refused. I do allow him to give me advice from time to time regarding lighting or angle. Now, he’s over it, especially since I gave him a spot on the blog. It’s called “Road Food”. Check it out!
What kind of camera do you use?
I’m almost embarrassed to say, at this time I use a Canon – Power Shot. It’s a point & shoot camera. It takes pretty good photos, I think. I’m also hoping to find a new, bigger, better, fancy camera under the Christmas tree this year! Hint hint….Dan, there’s a blog job for you.
Where do you get your ideas or inspiration for the recipes you share?
I have always loved to browse through food magazines and cookbooks, and now that I’m aware of the vast amount of food info on the internet I could spend countless days perusing everything about food. I get my inspiration from these sources as well as old family favorites, new family favorites that I’ve created and the number one inspiration comes from my tummy. I get gobs of food cravings and when I do that’s what I make. I usually read over recipes or simply look at photos and when something speaks to my tummy I take the info I’ve gathered in my head to the kitchen and turn it into my own special meal. This is not to say I never follow someone else’s recipe word for word, but if I do and I use it on the blog, you’ll know where it came from.
Do you have any professional training in the art of cooking?
I do not have any formal training in the art of cooking.
Do you follow a special diet?
I do not follow any diet. I believe in fresh, local, seasonal, unprocessed foods. I like to have a broad selection from all 5 food groups in the food pyramid, and a sensible amount from the tip of the pyramid. I have recently been cutting way back on gluten as a test to see if my joints stop swelling and aching. I secretly hoped I couldn’t discern a difference, but I admit my joints seem to be happier with less gluten passing through my system. I still enjoy food with gluten occasionally but for the most part am enjoying the challenge of eating gluten-free.
Can I use your photo or recipe?
Yes I’m happy for you to share what I share. Be sure and link back to The Orange Bee or give The Orange Bee a photo credit if using only a picture you like.
Do you participate in sponsored content, giveaways and promotions?
Yes, I am happy to promote brands and products on The Orange Bee. If you are a company interested in working with me please send an enquiry to Linda@theorangebee.com
Can I leave a comment or message for you?
Of course! If you comment, please play nice, no vulgar language, or nasty comments necessary. If you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything. You’ll find a “Leave A Comment” ditty on every post. I love comments and feedback! If you wish to send me a private message simply hit the “comment” button in the orange bar and I’ll get back to you ASAP!