On Saturday morning my man Dan and I went to investigate a bee call I received. These bees were in the walls of a storage building, in a back yard, on a hot day, where tall grass grew, brown recluse spiders may have lurked, snakes may have been lying low and we did not want to venture! I held my laugh when the lady in residence informed me that she had put out “snake b-gone”. Tall boots, bee suits and smokers aside, we declined to begin the process of ripping out walls, wading through storage room boxes and Lord knows what else, to remove these bees. I inquired if she might have someone clear a path to allow us to reach the bees, and told her I’d call in the fall. We will see….
So, we were up and out and it was early. Early and cool, we found ourselves with a little extra time on our hands. We stopped by the feed store to load up on hay and feed for Fancy, our mare. While at the feed store, my man Dan spotted some rather expensive looking “eggs” on the counter at the feed store. When he asked why they were so pricey the feed store owner said, “Oh, those are for snakes”. He went on to say that one could build a nest and place these eggs in it, fooling the snakes into thinking they were getting dinner, when in fact they were swallowing a glass egg. I’ll leave the rest to your imagination – not a pretty picture in my mind.
We decided to visit a farmers market a few minutes away to load up on some fresh veggies for the weekend. I made the mistake of leaving my camera at home and so have no photos of the market. We bought fresh tomatoes, yellow ones, corn, green beans and bread. I leave you with a tomato salad – one of our favorites in the summer.
This is one of those recipes that really is not a recipe. It is one of those “it’s in my head” recipes. If you are reading this post you, no doubt, can imagine how to add to this salad and declare it your own. The tomatoes, a summer delight, didn’t need much help to put a smile on my face.
Heirloom Tomato Salad
Assorted Tomatoes, chopped
Pinch of ground black pepper
Feta cheese, cubed
Fresh basil, sliced
A large drizzle of olive oil
A splash of White wine vinegar
Chop tomatoes and cube cheese. Mix remaining ingredients together and pour over tomatoes. Toss gently.
Those tomatoes are simply stunning. Great story too. When is it cool down there though. Even overnight, I bet it’s just less hot.
Just the best of summer — fresh garden tomatoes. Your tomatoe salad is simply perfect! I’m really liking my garden cucumbers too this year. So crunchy and just the best. I’ll be sad when they’re gone. I can’t buy grocery store tomatoes in winter and I may not be able to buy grocery store cucumbers after this summer! Glass eggs?! That’s a new one!
Oops, “tomato” no “e” 🙂