First of all I want to say this is NOT a paid post nor a review about the film Forks Over Knives! It isn’t even a current flick but my man, Dan and I recently watched it for the first time. Have you seen it? If so you’ll understand what this post is about – if not – it’s a film where the idea of food as medicine is put to the test. Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.
I’d heard about the film but didn’t know what the concept was, so of course I was curious to watch because I was aware it was about food. You all know I love food….if you don’t read my “about” page! It was a Friday and I’d done grocery shopping that day unaware of the info I’d gather from the movie we’d be watching that evening. The usual suspects were in my grocery cart. Fruit, eggs, milk, fresh baked bread, bacon, organic chicken, salad greens, tomatoes, avocados, nuts, etc… My cart was full of fresh foods that’s how we eat. Processed foods were cut out long ago! Probably a bottle or two of wine in there as well!
I don’t remember what I prepared for our meal that night but after dinner we settled in to watch Forks Over Knives. The film stresses the idea that cutting out any food that is derived from an animal, be it a big juicy steak or a glass of milk, should be cut from our diet for optimal health benefits. In other words, a plant based diet.
Exploring obesity, heart-disease, diabetes, cancer and other degenerative diseases Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a nutritional scientist at Cornell University and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, a top surgeon and head of the breast cancer task force at the renowned Cleveland Clinic, ascertain that these ailments can be prevented, controlled and in some cases reversed by switching to a plant based diet. You know where this is going…. No more bacon cheeseburgers, my husbands favorite!
About three-quarters of the way through the film my meat-loving husband looked over at me and asked this question, “are we becoming vegetarian?” I had to laugh as I replied, “I wasn’t planning on it!”. We finished the film and a conversation ensued. Would we do this, could we do this? Could you? Are you already engaged as a vegetarian or vegan?
My friends, this occurrence took place on Friday, February 26. 5 weeks and 4 days ago. After some discussion that we couldn’t simply throw out the bacon and chicken in the frig we decided to give it a go – partially. My hubby was thinking in terms of cutting out some of his meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol issues, while I was thinking I wish to continue eating eggs, yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. We settled on this; we would strive to add more plant based foods into our diet, keep dairy and seafood, but cut out red meat, pork and chicken. So what about that bacon in my refrigerator? I opened it and baked ( I cook bacon in the oven because I loathe a greasy stove) 4 pieces for breakfast one morning a couple weeks later and today the remainder is still in it’s zip-lock. Probably time to toss it!
The biggest challenge for me was learning to make veggies our main course. It’s a no-brainer for me to season chicken breasts, or throw a steak on the grill with salads and vegetables on the side but to serve a plant based meal regularly I had to put on my thinking cap. First of all Mr. “I think I might kind of go vegetarian” doesn’t like all that many plant based foods! But guess what? He has discovered that eating like this could get monotonous unless he expands his palate. I am happy to report that he has accepted quite a few new foods.
I’ve found that keeping seafood as part of our food selection means I don’t have to serve vegetables as the main course at every meal. We are also incorporating lots of grains and of course legumes into our meals. Yep 5 weeks and 4 days! I did make grilled chicken one evening when we hosted the crew from Macy’s for an informal dinner. I find that many people are picky about fish and felt it would be easier to satisfy a large group if I did chicken. I ate one piece of chicken that evening along with a big salad and grilled pineapple. There were leftovers, which I froze and have since thawed and served. Twice I ate chicken and that one time I ate those two pieces of bacon….why do I feel shameful admitting this to you? Dan has eaten chicken and turkey on a few occasions, where the meatless selection may have been tofu or a bean-based burger, he just can’t go there yet! So I’ve got him beat. But who’s keeping score?
We aren’t keeping score – yet somehow this new way of eating has engrained itself in me! I feel great, more energetic and my jeans…well they fit so nicely! My man, Dan is totally onboard too, it was after all his idea, I just wanted to see what the film was all about. I know myself well enough to know that I won’t be going totally vegetarian or vegan. I keep waiting for the day my body says, “I want meat!”. Will it happen? If I were a guest and the host served me a steak, I would eat it! But the next day I would go back. I do not know what category we fall into with a meal plan such as this. What I do know is I’m still enjoying the challenge of creating plant-based meals and I feel healthy.
I’m curious to hear your comments. Are you vegan? Vegetarian? Pescatarian? Do you incorporate dairy into a vegetarian diet? If you are on a plan such as these did you ever feel that you HAD to have meat? How long before that happened? Did you feel guilty giving into it?
I’m keeping tabs on our efforts. Patting myself on the back for doing it. I always love a challenge and finding success in it? Icing on the cake! I’ll be reporting periodically on our success with this new way of enjoying food and of course I will share any failures! You know, that day when I absolutely, undoubtedly must bite into a big, juicy burger!
Meantime here are the links to a few of my favorite plant-based recipes:
Chopped Brussels Sprouts Salad
Grilled Eggplant and Pesto Panini
Creamy Polenta With Wild Mushrooms
Like this posting. I’ve been makng more “just veggie” meals lately and am liking it fine. Like you I’m keeping fish in because I love seafood, and yogurt, eggs and cheese which all go well in making a veggie entree. Thanks for your encouragement.