Summer is around the corner and that signals vacation time! Many of you may already be planning exotic vacations, European excursions, mountain hikes, beach breaks, or visits to family and friends. Often times when we travel we incur tummy troubles. Public places such as airplanes, trains, ships, and rest stops are germ havens. I would venture to guess contracting a tummy bug is usually not our own fault. Nonetheless, an upset stomach can easily spoil our plans and those of anyone we are traveling with.
If you feel that you’ve picked up a parasite from unclean water or ice, unwashed fruits or veggies, or simply contacted the germ by accident you’ll want to rid yourself of it swiftly. Fatigue, bloating, diarrhea and constipation are all signs that something is amiss in your gut. Here is a quick remedy for minor stomach ailments. Honey, when mixed with cider vinegar and water, can remove parasites from your body. The combination of vinegar’s acidity and honey’s therapeutic components is more than enough to wipeout or expel bodily intruders. When you suspect that you have picked up a bug, drink ample amounts of this solution regularly.
Here’s the breakdown: 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar and 1-2 teaspoons of honey mixed into 8 oz. of warm water. (Warm water helps dissolve the honey) Drink this a few times a day until symptoms subside.
Please note: These remedies are for minor stomach ailments. Always seek proper medical attention for any serious issue.
Next Monday’s post Smoky Brisket Chili.
Cool! I never knew!
Never too late to learn!