Did you know that for honey to be considered “organic” the hives must be kept miles away from any danger of pollutants? In order to assure “organic” honey the hives are placed far away from exposure to chemicals, GMO’s or pesticides. The folks at Wholesome Sweeteners have placed hives in countries such as Brazil, Paraguay and Mexico where the hives are deep in dedicated organic areas. The bees from these hives forage only on the jungle’s wild native flora and the honey they produce is 100% organic, free from chemical residue. The natural flora they forage from includes sunflowers, orange blossoms and chamomile.
Wholesome Sweeteners supports Fairtrade and is certified since 2009. The Fairtrade premiums have helped build facilities, dormitories, teach computer skills and purchase scooters for the long distances the keepers must travel. They produce sugar, syrup, nectar and honey.
If you read my post regarding the “fake” honey that many stores carry you know that buying pure, local, if possible and organic, if possible honey is the best way to get “real” honey. Here is a link to that post if you missed it. If you aren’t able to locate any local beekeepers selling their honey in your area go with Wholesome Sweeteners honey. It’s a honey of a deal!