Lately I’ve been thinking about the highlights of my last trip to Maui. When we think of visiting the Hawaiian island of Maui it seems our thoughts immediately turn to the beach. What were the highlights for your last trip to this isle of paradise?
Of course, the beaches offer amazing views of the sunset nightly. Each and every sunset brings a new image. Some sunsets are literally amazeballs while others seem subdued in comparison. However, they are all worth stopping and finding a quiet place to absorb the last of the sun’s rays for that day. When the clouds are prevalent oftentimes the sunsets are at their best and on a perfectly clear day the sun seems to spread across the horizon as it quietly disappears into the night. For me watching the sunset is a highlight to be enjoyed daily.
Finding a good spot to take in the beauty of a Maui sunset is easy. Late afternoon strolls across the green lawn of my condo at Maui Sunset to the beach were a must, daily. The sunsets here were heightened by end of the day whale breaches, sprays and turtles doing their slow crawl through the waves.
Which sunset would you choose as your favorite? Would you consider seeing beautiful sites like these daily a highlight of a trip to the Hawaiian islands? I’m returning to Maui soon and guarantee I will take the time to stop every day and watch the sun go down.
Another highlight for me on my last trip was a drive to Haleakala National Park. I’ve always known about the sunrise trips so many people take to the top but have not gone, until this trip. The bike tours to the top never intrigued me nor did getting up at 3:00 a.m. to be there in time for sunrise. Covid restrictions have kept visitor centers and campgrounds closed for now. Leaving around 6:30 a.m. with first light dawning, the drive up provided amazing views of the island. You can literally see for miles across the different landscapes to the Pacific beyond.
Haleakala is known for it’s rare and sacred landscape. Over 30 miles of trails from easy to strenuous provide a great way to see the endemic ‘āhinahina (silversword)plant, shown below. I warn you that the temperatures at the top are drastically different from those down on the beach. On the 2 different days I ventured to Haleakala, temps were in the low 30’s at the summit. A trip to the top without a jacket would not be comfy. I really wished I had brought gloves and a hat but who thinks of that when packing for traveling to an island? Perhaps next time I will tuck those into my bag for another visit to the 10,000 foot summit.
There is an entrance fee to the park, valid for three days. If you are already a holder of a National Park pass you are good to go without repurchasing. For now reservations are required for those wishing to drive to the top for sunrise viewing.

This rainbow was visible all day from every view point on the drive both up and down. What does this mean?

Ice and snow were at the summit of Haleakala in early February this year. Quite the contrast from the warm, sandy beaches.
Highlights of my last trip to Maui got me all wanderlusty! I’ll be counting the days until my next trip when I plan to visit the Iao Valley and possibly the Kipahulu district, a part of Haleakala National Park.
Leave me a comment and tell me which is your jam – the beach sunset or the volcano landscape? Which highlight of my last trip to Maui speaks most to you? I find it quite extraordinary that this little island has such diversity. It is one thing that keeps me going back.
It’s been years. I do remember my first trip before I moved to Hawaii. I did the getting up at 3:00 a.m. thing to watch the sunrise. That was in 1977. I went over once when I was living in Honolulu and then again with Stephanie in 1994. All trips were very different. I’m sure it’s changed a bit since I was last there, as all of Hawaii no doubt has. Maybe we’ll make it back someday. It’s a beautiful place for sure. When I stop to think of Hawaii I can smell the flowers. Fond memories.
It’s been years. I do remember my first trip before I moved to Hawaii. I did the getting up at 3:00 a.m. thing to watch the sunrise. I also drove the road to Hana that time. Beautiful, but you can’t be in a hurry, that’s for sure. That was in 1977. I went over once when I was living in Honolulu and then again with Stephanie in 1994. All trips were very different. I’m sure it’s changed a bit since I was last there, as all of Hawaii no doubt has. Maybe we’ll make it back someday. It’s a beautiful place for sure. When I stop to think of Hawaii I can smell the flowers. Fond memories.
Well I agree it has probably changed but it is still a beautiful paradise!!You are lucky to have lived there!
All the pics were breathtaking! I want to see it all someday.
Well we might be able to get you over there sometime so you can see it. I would love to take you!