Now that I’ve declared January “orange” month I’m feeling so cheerful, even with the cold, grey, wet days our week started off with. This recipe not only showcases the healthy orange carrot but is full of flavor from freshly zested orange rind. You see I’m still captivated by my new micro-planes and looking for any excuse to employ them. The color orange puts a smile on my face, the flavor of orange makes my mouth water and the fragrance of orange awakens my senses. Wait till you see a picture of my new orange rain boots “Miss T” gifted me with at Christmas – they are attention getters for sure and have been the perfect boot to slip into with all our wet, rainy weather. “Thanks Miss T”, you know what your mama likes.
Adding orange delightfully compliments many foods. If only I lived where citrus trees grew I’d have my bees producing orange honey. Now that would be a real treat! These carrots are one of my family favorites and were often requested by the studio where I catered lunches for special clients and photographers. They are quick to prepare and those at your table will ask for seconds. The touch of honey and orange zest transport your taste buds to a yummy place. One of the notable things about this recipe is 1/2 cup serving = only 51 calories so a second serving is not a bad thing. Carrots, low cal, a good source of vitamins B1, B2, and B6, as well as vitamin K, fiber and potassium. Oh! and the number one reason to love carrots, their fantastic orange color.
Honey-Glazed Carrots
1 1/2 quarts water
5 cups thinly sliced carrots
3 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
2 tbsp. honey (fresh and local if possible)
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. grated orange rind
1/4 tsp. fresh ground black pepper
Bring water to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add carrots, cook for 20 minutes or until tender. Drain well. Place carrots and remaining ingredients in a large bowl, toss gently.
I love carrots and can’t wait to try your recipe. Also can’t wait to see those orange boots. LUCKY!
I love carrots too! Great friends think alike. Lovin’ my new boots.
I’m excited to follow your orange month!! The color is so fitting for you!! How can you go wrong with honey glazed carrots, even the pickiest of eaters would eat this sweet treat!!
I’m excited too. I’m having fun choosing my “orange” recipes! Might try a biscotti one – I hear you’re the biscotti queen!
fresh and local if possible 🙂
You got it! Hoping for abundant honey flow this year.
I love it. We do something similar using fresh mint. You just can’t go wrong with carrots and honey. Great recipe.
Fresh mint sounds like a perfect addition in spring and summer!
I used to make these when the kiddos were little but haven’t made them in years. I bet they’d love them and I just got some local carrots and honey at the farmers market Sunday. All this orangeness and natural sweet goodness this month will be a panacea for those winter blues. Share more! Stay happy!
Ooh, I haven’t had these in ages… a colleague of mine used to make something similar… oh no, wait – I’m thinking of lemon glazed. Great – in that case then, something else to try which I never had before. I find steamed/boiled carrots on their own can be really dull… always nice to find new ways to jazz them up 🙂
It is amazing that such simple ingredients can transform a good dish to a really delicious dish. I wanted to comment also on the lovely silver spoon in your photo…what a pretty pattern.
Karen, thank you – I’ve inherited many lovely serving dishes, utensils, etc. from my family and my husband’s mom and aunt as well. I wish I had room to display them all because I love them all. Carrots – my favorite color, so healthy and delicious!
Wow! Thanks for the tag guys! Here’s a little tequila toast to ya’…..I always have carrots in my frig too.