Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

Chilly fall temperatures turned to bone chilling temperatures this past weekend in the Carolinas. Weather fit for a glass of Hot Spiced Wine. The aroma, a bouquet of cinnamon, citrus and pepper. The flavor, rousing to the taste buds, sweet, spicy, peppery, smooth, with warm citrus notes. It goes down easily and might lure you into multiple […]
Since I began working at the Savory Spice Shop I’ve heard quite a bit of information from folks eating gluten-free. Some out of necessity, as they have Celiac disease, others “going Paleo” and most as a new style of eating. I have heard many times that since cutting gluten out of ones diet a myriad […]
Do you know that those beautiful, colorful flowers you are bringing home from your local nursery or big box store could be killing bees that might venture into your yard or garden at an alarming rate? Much research has been done lately regarding a class of agricultural pesticide named neonicotinoids and the general consensus is that […]