Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

Hello honey! Pecans might be my favorite nut. I suppose it’s got something to do with growing up in Texas where pecan trees are abundant and spending an afternoon shelling pecans is synonymous with canning tomatoes or pickling okra. It’s time consuming but well worth it. A delightful way to spend a fall afternoon! They […]
In the natural world honeybees forage wherever they can, taking advantage of local abundances of particular flowers and trees. Flowering plants produce nectar and pollen and in the wild honeybees visit a vast array of plants, gathering nectar and pollinating the plants they visit. The true worth of honeybees to the environment and to the […]
Summer is around the corner and that signals vacation time! Many of you may already be planning exotic vacations, European excursions, mountain hikes, beach breaks, or visits to family and friends. Often times when we travel we incur tummy troubles. Public places such as airplanes, trains, ships, and rest stops are germ havens. I would venture […]
Honey has been known for it’s healing benefits for thousands of years. Ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Mayans used it and in recent years it’s medicinal value has been confirmed as research demonstrates that the enzymes in honey do indeed have antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Honey absorbs moisture and discourages the growth of bacteria and other […]
I recently traveled to Rhode Island and New Hampshire for a week of fun with a girlfriend. We ate, drank, shopped, skied, drank more, watched chick flicks, ate more, shopped more and slept enough. It was a great time for me. My adoring hubby on the other hand suffered the effects of eating out most […]