Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

Back in the day, BK, (before kids) I could be found wiling away my time during the summer months preserving fruits and veggies. Such a simple procedure for such a delicious and worthy outcome. What is more wonderful than popping the sealed lid from a jar of home canned preserves, tomatoes, okra or green beans […]
All the fuss was about Hullabaloo Diner! In my last post I shared with you that my man Dan and I would be moving Miss T to college. She’s all settled in now, a full-fledged college student. Making friends, attending classes, checking out the boys, doing homework, finding her way to the rec center regularly, […]
In an effort to please Miss T, who will depart for college soon enough, I’ve been making some of her favorite dishes. French toast is not one of them, but spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread is. Friday evening I presented her with a steaming bowl of homemade meatballs and spaghetti complete with a side […]
We recently returned from a splendid vacation to the cool mountains and arid deserts of Colorado and New Mexico. Returning to temperatures stretching way over 100* was torturous but…there’s no place like home. Below is a story in photos. Enjoy! Beautiful country, breathtaking views, laughing with family, chowing down on delicious food, campfires […]
When I learned that my favorite peach orchard would be closed until next summer as of this weekend, I knew I’d better take a drive and stock up on fresh peaches. Ham’s Orchard in Terrell, Texas offers up fresh picked peaches all summer long but alas peach season is almost over. I’ve watched Ham’s go […]
Only joking! But if I were, I’d tie some of these Monster Cookies up in a red bandana and throw them in my knapsack. These cookies could stand in for a meal! Filling, full of fiber – oatmeal, nuts – macadamias and of course some chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips. They also include natural peanut […]