Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

This summer I plan on posting recipes using local summer fruits and vegetables. Back in the late spring I started my first raised bed garden. With the idea of keeping it simple I planted tomatoes, several varieties, peppers, strawberries, herbs and an eggplant. The tomatoes have done wonderfully, the eggplant nothing yet, the peppers have […]
Welcome! I have returned from my trip to the beautiful BVI’s. I wish I could say I missed you, blogging, laundry, litter box patrol, mowing the lawn and fighting the traffic jam at Wal-Mart but I can NOT truthfully say that. We had a marvelous journey and I can honestly announce that we relaxed and […]
In just a few days I will be conducting my very first Central Market Cooking School class. I am ready to do this! Here is the link – http://www.centralmarket.com/Stores/Fort-Worth.aspx. If you’re close by and would like to sign up click on the cooking school icon, I believe there are a few seats available.