Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

Joining the crew of local chefs for Community Table isn’t new for Chef Chris Blackburn. Last year his smoked lamb tamale was an exceptional addition to the multi-course dinner. Chris can be found cheffing currently at not one but two restaurants, both new to him. Steak Street, an award winning restaurant in High Point and […]
Voted #1 Chef in Guilford County under 30 this year! That’s right, our head chef for this years Community Table is our youngest ever. Suffice it to say Anders Benton, executive chef at GIA DrinkEatListen is under 30 – a youngster by any standard. Benton was also honored with second place in the “Best Chef” […]
Last year I attended Community Table 2018, Triad Local First’s fund-raiser, as a behind the scenes blogger. This year I am co-charing the event. Without a doubt last year was a fantastic time with local chefs, breweries, farms, distilleries and foodies buzzing about like hungry bees. This year will be an over the top event […]
A couple weeks back I had the pleasure of learning about farm life while visiting with the charming Amie Herrera of Francesca’s Dawn farm. Full of laughter, love for her animals and farm as well as a vast knowledge about both. It was a steamy, warm day with abundant sunshine. Promised a delicious lunch, my […]
A challenge I notice through my involvement with “food” is the mispronunciations of food words. Working in the spice shop I hear customers doing their best to pronounce food words they aren’t familiar with. Many times they preface their mispronunciation with a comment like,” I’m not sure I’m saying this right”. I’ve been checking to […]