Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

Rain is a product of nature we have become quite unfamiliar with, unfortunately. Most of Texas has been declared to be experiencing severe drought conditions. This is sad news and I admit I’ve forgotten how to use an umbrella. Last evening we, my man Dan, our daughter LuLu and her guy ventured out, even though […]
One of the nice perks of blogging is that every so often awards are handed out from fellow bloggers. Right before the craziness of Thanksgiving two fellow bloggers bestowed the honor upon me. Now before I’m completely engulfed in the Christmas frenzy I wanted to pass on the awards and say thanks. Oh, by the […]
I couldn’t be happier right this minute as I’ve missed blogging for nearly two weeks now. Thank you to all my faithful followers and newcomers for sticking with me. Between the Thanksgiving holiday, a house full of company, adoring hubby’s 60th birthday, and missing shot glasses I couldn’t find a moment to write. I hope that […]
With fall upon us I’m thinking about soups. Not heavy, hearty ones like we crave in the winter; but nutritious, simple bowls of soup. Sometimes an uncomplicated bowl of soup just fits the bill, perhaps with a crusty loaf of bread or a tossed green salad. One of my go-to cookbooks carries the title “Williams-Sonoma Soup”. […]
Today I’m writing about my bees. If you’d like to read about my most recent bee removal and a dilemma up at the Helmsley Palace hives go to “Bees & Honey” right under the header, click on “Bee Thinking” – “Naming Queens”. No worries, I’ll be back on board with a delicious recipe before long. […]
This morning I noticed the first Dark-Eyed Junco foraging for food under one of my feeders. Later in the day, I noticed not only a Yellow Rumped Warbler hopping about in the red oak, but also an Orange Crowned Warbler flitting around in the crape myrtle and Purple Finches at the feeders. Wow – stellar […]