Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

New photo under Austin, Texas. Check it out!
Yikes, since we finished off that luscious cheesecake so quickly I needed, yes I said, “needed”, to bake something sweet! I decided on gingersnaps. As I write, the first batch is in the oven and I’m going to tell you they don’t look too promising. The recipe said form a dough, no dough formed. It […]
Today was a successful day in the bee yard. I inspected all 4 hives and I was satisfied with my observations. In hive #4 I caught sight of Queen April but didn’t get a photo today. The wind was up and I am concerned that it will catch a queen unguarded and blow her away. If […]
Cheesecake, that is! If you’ve followed my blog you already know this past weekend was a big time at The Orange Bee. Miss T was celebrating her 17th birthday – a little early. I am tickled that she requested cheesecake for her birthday dinner dessert. It disappeared quickly, meaning no calorie laden cake staring me […]
It is May – right? I thought so, however our warm, spring like weather has turned unseasonably cold and wet. Temperatures the last two days have been in the 40’s and that is just not like May in Texas. We desperately needed the rain, the water companies have already mailed out their water rationing dates, […]
As a new beekeeper I’m keeping a close watch on my hives as this is the busy season in the apiary. Constant monitoring to be sure the hives are healthy, the queens are laying eggs, larva is visible, and that pollen and honey are evident, is necessary about once a week. I’ve been nervous that […]
This week I had some fresh asparagus staring out at me every time I opened the refrigerator door. I totally wanted to eat that asparagus but I also wanted to do something different with it. All week-long I was pondering those lovely green stalks. This weeks meals never lent themselves to the addition of asparagus […]
Check out the “Ponderings” page for some cool photos I took yesterday afternoon. It’s so beautiful outdoors that it’s hard to slave over a hot stove to bring you new food creations. Don’t fret – it shan’t be long before I post another delicious recipe. Meanwhile soak in spring in all it’s splendor. Enjoy!