The headline says it all. Today I am entering my first ever cook off of any kind and it’s a chili cook off. Cook offs are not new to me although entering one is untried. I’ve attended my share of chili and gumbo cook offs. Never heard of a gumbo cook off? Well, where I […]
Eat Your Vegetables
Today is an oatmeal day. Temperatures dipping markedly below freezing, winds are still blowing through and the world of The Orange Bee remains covered in ice. After a quick jaunt on the treadmill I made a steamy bowl of oatmeal with raisins, nuts and brown sugar. It warmed me up through and through. I am […]
Snow Day Muffins
The Orange Bee is home-bound today. Thick ice covers the roads, wind is whipping through at 30-40 mph, temperature a frigid 21*and dropping. While watching the birds at the feeders today I’ve noticed them being blown from one spot to the next as their tiny feet slip and slide across the icy ground. It is […]
Bee School 101
Today I was privileged to spend about three hours with Mr. Floyd, my bee mentor. Mr. Floyd has been raising bees and making honey for over twenty years. He knows an astounding amount of info about bees. First he told me I needed to know the basics of the hive itself. We examined frames, foundations, […]
Birthdays, Birds & Bees – Italian Cream Cake
The birthday celebration was fabulous. In fact it was so fabulous that we didn’t shoot many photos. We were immersed in party mode. I am sorry to say I won’t be posting pictures of the evening. I will tell you that the meal prepared by our friends the Flanigan’s was superb. Bone-in rib eye grilled […]
Italian Cream Cake & Champagne
Ahhhh…..cake and champagne. Is there any finer food or beverage with which to celebrate a birthday? I think not. I wrote previously about my oldest daughter and her birthday cake request. LuLu’s birthday will be celebrated tonight. The cake is made, the champagne is chilled and the gifts are gaily wrapped. Stay tuned for photos […]
Compelled To Bake
Today was one of those glorious days. Chilly, well actually downright cold this morning. A frosty 28* that evolved to a sunny 65* matchless day. It reminds me why we all welcome “spring” when she blows in. Meantime it is still January and we have a birthday to celebrate at The Orange Bee. FYI: The […]
Earthy Oatmeal Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies
Comfort cookies…again! These cookies border on healthy – not what usually comes out of my oven. I was in the mood for oatmeal cookies but was craving chocolate and cranberries. Don’t ask me why, because I haven’t an answer. After mulling this over for a few hours I decided to throw them all together […]
Gold Bars Bring Tears
If you’ve been following my blog you might have seen the post and recipe for “Gold Bars”. You may or may not have taken note that I gave recognition to a friend, Shelly Musselman for the recipe. If you made “Gold Bars” I’m quite certain you discovered them to be sweet, gooey and delicious. When […]
Gooey Finger-Lickin’ Grilled Cheese
In the home of “The Orange Bee” when it is announced that grilled cheese is on the menu it is consistently met with “ooohhh, aahhh, & mmm…”. My fabulous family thinks of it as comfort food, do you? The following recipe is not the standard slice of American cheese on white bread version. I don’t […]