Today the sun was shining. “So“, you say. Well I am here to tell you that I have not seen the glorious sun shine for many days. In north Texas we have been experiencing cloudy, rainy, drizzly, cold, grey days for so long I’ve lost count. It was refreshing to have sun and shadows all […]
Spicy, Intoxicating Jambalaya
Someone mentioned “Crawfish Pie” the other day and it got me thinking about cajun food, creole dishes, and how much I have a taste for the variety that it brings to the table. I grew up in southeast Texas, right on the Louisiana border, with merely a river separating the two states and the two […]
Smoked Almond & Peppercorn Goat Cheese Log
This is not your average, boring appetizer. This my friends is savory, piquant, creamy, and crunchy all in one delicious bite. The goat cheese provides creaminess, the peppercorns and smoked almonds the crunch and bite. The parsley and chives bring along freshness. Don’t hesitate to serve it with the apples as they are needed to […]
Frosty Berry-Pomegranate Smoothie
I woke up this morning to a grey, gloomy, chilly January day. This will not ruin my day. I had a few cups of – you guessed it – coffee. Deadman’s Reach Raven Brew to be exact. The back of the bag of Deadman’s Reach claims that it will “inspire great ideas and noble emotions” […]
Intrigued Over Coffee?
Just a quick note to last nights post about coffee..delectable, smooth, rich, delicious coffee. If you enjoyed that post and would entertain viewing a few photographs that will help you understand why drinking coffee in the places I described was such a treat, please check out the “photos” page at the top of my blog. […]
Frothy, Flavorful, Lip-Smacking Coffee
My new refrigerator arrived today all shiny and sleek and icy cold. Just what I wanted, OH, and needed desperately. Talk about make a girl want to stock up with fresh green, orange, […]
Peaches & Refrigerators
It is exhausting – searching for a new refrigerator. The sheer confusion that sets in after opening door after door, pulling out drawer after drawer, comparing features, water purifier or no, ice maker in the door or in the freezer itself, water and ice dispenser in the door yes or no, lights blue or white, […]
Lew’s Lone Star Chili
It is freezing and windy outside, 32* to be exact. The wind is blowing the snow in circles, around me, around the birds, around everything. My eyes are watering so that I cannot focus. I decided since snow is a rare occurrence in my part of Texas that I should photograph “Lew’s Lone Star Chili” […]
Feasting on Peanut Butter, Chili & Peach Galette
The snow is coming down quite fast now. Just as they predicted. Enormous, fluffy flakes of pristine white snow. Not at all normal for Texas but welcome all the same. I especially enjoy it as the birds come out in droves to feast at the feeders sprinkled about our yard. I’ve been constantly watching out […]
Winter Pinto Beans and Ham
Today has been a glorious day in north central Texas. Crisp, sunny, blue skies will be turning in to rainy, freezing, snowy skies late tonight through tomorrow. Snowfall of 3-6 inches is predicted, not normal weather for these parts. Aware of the approaching storm I spent time outdoors today, taking in the crisp, fresh air, […]