Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

This is not your average, boring appetizer. This my friends is savory, piquant, creamy, and crunchy all in one delicious bite. The goat cheese provides creaminess, the peppercorns and smoked almonds the crunch and bite. The parsley and chives bring along freshness. Don’t hesitate to serve it with the apples as they are needed to […]
Just a quick note to last nights post about coffee..delectable, smooth, rich, delicious coffee. If you enjoyed that post and would entertain viewing a few photographs that will help you understand why drinking coffee in the places I described was such a treat, please check out the “photos” page at the top of my blog. […]
It is exhausting – searching for a new refrigerator. The sheer confusion that sets in after opening door after door, pulling out drawer after drawer, comparing features, water purifier or no, ice maker in the door or in the freezer itself, water and ice dispenser in the door yes or no, lights blue or white, […]
The snow is coming down quite fast now. Just as they predicted. Enormous, fluffy flakes of pristine white snow. Not at all normal for Texas but welcome all the same. I especially enjoy it as the birds come out in droves to feast at the feeders sprinkled about our yard. I’ve been constantly watching out […]
Today has been a glorious day in north central Texas. Crisp, sunny, blue skies will be turning in to rainy, freezing, snowy skies late tonight through tomorrow. Snowfall of 3-6 inches is predicted, not normal weather for these parts. Aware of the approaching storm I spent time outdoors today, taking in the crisp, fresh air, […]