Poke Tacos Monkeypod

Tomato Tart - Jose Andres

LuLu Dog treats

Soup Alexis Alvarez Armas

Cafe Cubano

Riva @ Gritti Palace

Growing up in southeast Texas right on the Louisiana border I developed a taste for cajun and creole dishes at an early age . My Dad could take lots of heat, my mom, not so much and I fall somewhere in the middle, leaning towards the hot side. Shrimp, preferably gulf shrimp, are one of my most favorite foods to eat. The combination of these sweet crustaceans with this spicy, flavorful sauce piquant was just what I had a hankering’ for last week. My man, Dan never complains when I cook cajun or creole foods and he likes spicy!
I made sure to get locally sourced shrimp and fresh veggies to whip up this delicious Louisiana dish. Living in North Carolina doesn’t exactly put us close to any cajun or creole food and we miss it. We also miss Texas BBQ – I know, I know N.C. is also famous for it’s BBQ but it’s just not the same. The other food we miss terribly is Mexican! Not only Tex-Mex but gourmet Mexico City Mexican. We’ve tried multiple Mexican restaurants here in Greensboro only to be pretty much let down every time. There is something about melting white American cheese over Mexican food that just doesn’t jive! Thank goodness I can make all of this delicious food right here in the comfort of my own kitchen!
When my man Dan and I decided to move to N.C. one of the biggest “pros” was the fact that we are now “empty nesters”. One of the things I’ve found I enjoy about being empty nesters is I can cook small meals that cater only to the two of us. Dan, has been a picky eater in the past, but now he is enthusiastic about trying new foods which makes it easy to incorporate foods that weren’t possible with kids sitting down at the dinner table. You know – one kid likes spicy – one kid not so much. One child will eat broccoli the other refuses…and so it goes. Until those precious children move out! Then it’s all about the grown-ups
This recipe is from my Dad’s cookbook. It’s titled “My Cookbook” and has his signature underneath the title. It is housed in a red paper binder. Plain and simple and special to me, because all of the recipes are my Dad’s with some help from my mom thrown in. Shrimp Sauce Piquante is one of my favorites. His spelling according to the dictionary has an added “e” on the end. That’s alright – if you’re a very good cook you don’t have to be a very good speller too.
Hi there! I love your blog. For all your recipes that include rice, such as this one, can I simply substitute it with quinoa? I’m trying to maintain a healthy weight and wanted to pack more nutrients in my meals so ward off hunger. Any suggestions in swapping out rice would be great. 🙂 Thank you so much!
Hi Sara, Thanks for reaching out. For this dish I think quinoa, couscous, brown rice, or grain would work just fine. If you give it a try be sure and let me know how you like it!