OIL & HONEY EDITION – In honor of Father’s Day
Do you spend night after night tossing and turning, wearing out your elbows and pounding the pillows because you sleep next to someone who is snoring? See that meme above – that’s the truth! I know my hubby gets up earlier than I, so it is understandable that he might fall asleep sooner than I, I don’t mind that at all. What drives me nuts, is the snoring!
We tried propping up the pillows differently but that didn’t help. My man refuses to see a doctor about his snoring and the one time he did ask his internist about it the guy said, “sleep on your side”…thanks dude that doesn’t help. When my arm was broken it was damn near impossible to poke him with my elbow because…well it was extremely painful. Yes I could use my other arm, but the bottom line here is we needed the snoring to stop or at least be minimized.
I wondered every morning am I the only woman on the planet who deals with this? Please… how do you get through a night? It could wreck a marriage if one partner feels the need to sleep in a separate room night after night. Here’s how it works for me. Scenario 1 – we go to bed in the same room, he falls asleep and snores, I punch him a few times and he grumbles that he’s not even asleep so he can’t be snoring – I get annoyed and leave the room, favorite pillow in tow. Scenario 2 – I get lucky and fall asleep first (usually when sports are on) but wake up in the night to potty, upon returning to the bed discover that it’s shaking – he’s snoring! Scenario 3 – We both fall asleep around the same time and before I know it the walls are crumbling around us as the snoring is at an escalated pitch tonight – I punch, prod and poke, I put in ear plugs, cram the pillow over my head and lay there feeling my blood pressure rise until I…yep grab my favorite pillow and head to the quiet of the guest room. Can you relate?
When I’d had enough of hauling myself and my pillow into the guest room due to a husband who snored like a freight train I questioned if there was “an oil for that”. I was skeptical, yet pleasantly surprised to hear there was an oil blend that might reduce the snoring. I ordered a bottle and began to rub it on the bottoms of his feet right before bed. I also cup my hands over his nose, (something I’d contemplated on those crazy nights of thunderous snoring but with different results) and have him breathe deeply about 3 times for the aromatic benefit of the oil.
The first night we tried it he didn’t make a peep. He’s been using the blend of oils for over a year now. I am happy to report that not only is his snoring lessened greatly, it’s more like a quiet car engine now, but he feels well rested every morning. He rubs the oil on his own feet now as he’s discovered the benefits of using it. I also diffuse it in our room many nights which helps us all, pets too, breathe easier and rest better. It is a game changer for certain. He sleeps better I do too and we’re sleeping in the same room – just as it should be!
If you’re interested in learning more about my favorite essential oils message me on The Orange Bee @FB, email me linda@theorangebee.com or leave a comment here. I’m happy to help and answer any questions you might have!
I can definitely relate. Dealt with it for 5 years. I honestly believe the only real “cure” is sleeping in separate rooms.
So do you mean “you” sleeping in after not sleeping through the night? Have you tried essential oils or are you not dealing with it currently?