It’s amazing how when you have a family member who is relegated to a “soft” diet for a few days how much soup needs to be simmering on the stove. Miss T had wisdom teeth extracted on Saturday and was ordered to stick with a soft diet for one week. Are you kidding me? I mean, we all like soup, we are keen on soup and that’s a good thing because we are eatin’ soup for supper!
Today I’ll be sharing a recipe for “Parsnip Soup”. Roasting the parsnips is an important step in this recipe as it brings out the nutty, sweet flavor. Parsnips, a cousin of carrots make a lovely, creamy soup. Parsnips are not easy to find at my local markets so I substituted waxy potatoes for part of the parsnips. Prime season for parsnips is fall and winter. Bigger is not better when choosing parsnips as the larger ones tend to be woody and bitter. Select small to medium-sized parsnips with even color and no dark spots.
I have a couple of other soup recipes I”ll be sharing over the next few days so I dare say February has started off as “Soup Month”. It’s likely I’ll be rustling up some other dishes as well, especially as Valentines Day approaches. Meantime dig out your stock pot and make a big ole’ pot of delicious, steamy, comfort food.
Texas, as most of the country has seen is experiencing unseasonably warm weather. With yesterdays temperatures topping out at nearly 80* I couldn’t help but take a walk out to the apiary. The bees were buzzing all over the yard and I could see them going in all directions. I fired up the smoker and took a peek inside all 6 hives in my bee yard. The amounts of pure, new honey in the hives were astonishing. This mild winter has prevented frozen or starved bees but I wouldn’t think of taking their honey just yet as I have a feeling winter isn’t really past. Seeing that pure, golden honey capped with clean white wax makes my heart skip a beat. I’m hoping for a few jars of early honey this year. Fingers crossed! Take a look at my February bee pics then you’ll find the soup recipe.
I love this picture of the guard bees. Their eyes are so visible in this shot and the one on the far left seems to be saying to her sister, “do we know her?”.
Parsnip Soup
2 pounds parsnips, peeled
1 pound waxy potatoes
1 pound leeks, white part only, washed thoroughly
2 tbsp. olive oil
6 cups chicken or vegetable broth
3 ounces shredded Gruyère cheese
1/2 cup cream
1/4 tsp. ginger
1/8 tsp. nutmeg
Preheat oven to 375*. Cut the parsnips and leeks into rounds. Place on a large rimmed baking pan and drizzle with olive oil. Toss to coat all veggies. Place in oven and roast for about 50 minutes or until parsnips are tender.
Meantime bring broth to a boil in a stockpot and add potatoes, reduce heat and simmer until potatoes are tender. Transfer parsnips and leeks to stock pot after roasting. Using an immersion blender, purée ingredients to desired consistency. Bring the purée to a simmer. Add cream and cheese and stir until thoroughly combined. Stir in ginger and nutmeg and reduce heat.
Soup can also be pureed in the bowl of a food processor or blender jar. If doing either method take caution not to splatter the hot soup.
Recipe adapted from Kelly Yandell @
I hope your daughter is healing quickly. Soft foods for a whole week does not sound fun at all! Although with these delicious soups, I’m sure it will make the time pass more pleasurably! I love that this soup has Gruyere in it– it sounds creamy and delish!
When you’re 17 Mom’s soups are delicious for a few days but she’s ready for a burger! Glad to see you’re back safe!
We are eating lots of soups here, and the key is in varying them. I like the way you have roasted the parsnips in this recipe.
wonderful bee photos!
Thank you – I love my bees! Soup and snow just seem to go together!
We don’t have much of a winter here either, as you can imagine. We earn it after those summers. This soup looks great even on a hot winter’s day.
That sounds funny – hot winter’s day. We can always just turn on the air conditioning.
Honestly, I’ve never had a fondness for bees…in fact, I’ll run, but you make them look so interesting and fascinating. And, I can’t get stung from a photo!! I love soup and will try to make a big pot that lasts me for several lunches. This on sounds real good. Hope your daughter feels better soon!!
Oh yes, I like leftover soup for my lunches too – feels healthy! My daughter is on the mend I think!
Your parsnip soup sounds delicious with the Gruyere cheese added to it. I must give it a try.
The Gruyere is a nice addition!
Thanks so much for the honey photos – I always think honey is such a magical thing… the whole process is just so steeped in history. Being part of that – having those frames full of delicious, delicious honey in your yard must be an incredible feeling. I’m so looking forward to your later stories, when you can jar some up!
Great looking soup – so creamy! I love parsnips so much so I know I’d love this one!
Hi Charles, Keeping bees is an interesting hobby to say the least. I love my girls and am constantly amazed by their works. Happy Monday!