Well, do you think I nailed round two of Apple Pie Amsterdam? Hopefully my guests…read…guinea pigs from the second go round will weigh in and answer that for you! Personally I felt good about the outcome. Making the few changes I mentioned in my first post – read it here – made a big difference in […]
Apple Pie Amsterdam – Round One
SO, I tried my hand at Apple Pie Amsterdam last week. It was only a partial success but I am going to share with you anyway. I know that none of us are 100% successful in the kitchen and sharing a lack of success is as important as sharing every perfect accomplishment. Especially when it […]
Apple Pie in Amsterdam
So about that apple pie in Amsterdam… Before we left for our European trip I did a ton of research about the places we’d visit. Particularly Amsterdam and Gent as I’d only been to Amsterdam once and it was a long, long time ago and never to Gent. In fact my memories of Amsterdam were […]
Rustic Apple Crisp
They tell me these weather conditions are not normal for North Carolina. Snow, snow, snow and many freezing cold days. Yesterday we got 7″ in about 6 hours. I don’t mind the snowy, frigid temps and seeing my world blanketed in white. I’ve always wanted to live where the winters warranted wearing a coat. Before […]