Oil & Honey Edition – Golden milk is all the rage! Apparently it is has been for quite some time but seems to be making a resurgence in the natural health world. Have you tried it yet? I decided to give it a whirl but put a new spin on the ingredients. Considering it calls for […]
N.C. Blogger Network Featuring The Orange Bee
It is always nice to be recognized. It’s even nicer to be recognized in your own community – within your tribe. I was honored to be showcased on the N.C. Blogger Network this week and wanted to share the article with you. I’m not usually one to toot my own horn but hey….check it out! […]
Arthritis Pain Relief
OIL & HONEY EDITION I suffer with arthritis in my fingers and wrists from time to time. Swollen joints, stiffness and pain. I’m not ready to take drugs for this, nor does my physician suggest that I do so. One of the reasons I love essential oils so much is I find immense relief from […]
Have You Fallen In Love With Yoga?
I am in love with yoga – are you? Are you a devoted yogi? Have you never attended a yoga session? Yoga is so much more than a “workout” or a date with “meditation”. I’ve participated in my share of group exercise classes, everything from Zumba to step to circuit training but the one class […]
Friday Fun Fact – Bee Venom Therapy
Most people I know are a bit afraid of bee stings even if not fearful of bees. As a beekeeper I’ve been stung only 3 times and always while not wearing my beekeeper gear. I don’t enjoy being stung but am not particularly panicky about a bee sting. For centuries bee venom has been used to treat arthritis. […]