One of the first things I always think about on a beach trip is getting my toes in the sand and listening to the calming sound of the ocean waves rolling in. On my recent travels to Maui I spent quite a bit of time beachin’ and bakin’! Turned out to be great combination of […]
Chinese 5 Spice and Orange Banana Bread
Sunday baking is how I often enjoy spending a lazy weekend morning. One time my friend Hazel asked me, “what do you do with those black bananas on your counter?” “Make banana bread”, I laughed. This weekend the temps are HOT and I’m doing my best to stay indoors. You might think, why would you […]
Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
Today is hot, humid, cloudy, windy and every so often the sun peeks through the grey sky causing it to feel sweltering. Blech! My least favorite type of weather. Here’s the good stuff, it is Friday, I baked Banana Chocolate Chip Bread! A bit of baking time in the kitchen brought a smile to my […]
An Exciting Day
My bees have arrived! My excitement level has been high today. I’m feeling a little more calm now that they are settled and I believe I will be able to tell you a little about the day. This morning I was pretty anxious waiting for my bees to be delivered. The weather was not cooperating […]