Bee keeping ain’t nothin’ but problem solving. Boy ain’t that the truth?!? I’ve lost my bee hives at the GSC again. To say I am baffled, puzzled, perplexed and disconcerted might be an understatement. Sad too! Look at them! They seemed perfectly fine when I closed up the hives in late October, knowing winter was […]
The Importance of Honey ~ Fight Seasonal Allergies
Oil & Honey Edition ~ What is the importance of honey you may ask? Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, honey is the only food that never spoils! Pretty cool huh? Honey can help us both externally and internally. You know honey has been around for centuries. A natural healer and sweetener. I like to use it for […]
Queen Bees
Early one morning last week I received a phone call from the horticulturist at the Science Center. She excitedly explained that something peculiar was going on with the bees in Queen Charlotte hive. “Lots of bees, acting frantic and buzzing about more than normal”, was what she told me. She asked if I thought they […]