I’m excited to introduce you to my newest queen bee and her colony today. It is always compelling to install a new queen and her hive. This is precisely what I did just over a week ago at the Greensboro Science Center. I picked up a NUC – a nucleus of bees with a queen, […]
Spring 2019 Bee Report
Spring is definitely here even though last night our temps dropped into the 30’s once again. I began checking on my bees on a warm day in February – a rare warm day. It was warm enough to open the hives and investigate. I didn’t want to keep the hive open for long, so made […]
Last Bee Check Up of 2018
Now that cooler temps have finally decided to stick around the bees needed one last check up. In an attempt to find thriving hives come March when the temperatures begin to warm again I’m doing my best to ensure the girls are set for winter. Inspection day saw the sun out good and strong with […]
Life and Another Bee Adventure
Life happens, doesn’t it? Sometimes it’s smooth sailing but at times it’s a rough and rocky road. One thing I can always count on is the respite from day to day life when I step into the bee yard. The focus and concentration necessary when inspecting my bee hives leaves no room for straying thoughts. […]
How I Spent My Saturday With The Bees – A Beekeeping Adventure
If you’ve been following my beekeeping adventure posts you know that once again the bees at the Greensboro Science Center where I am volunteer beekeeper, disappeared. I am not capable of expressing how much this situation saddens me. What I can express is the passion I have for these sweet, valuable little creatures by starting […]
Extracting Honey – A Day In The Life Of A Beekeeper
Have you ever wondered exactly how beekeepers get honey from the hive to the jar? I hadn’t given it much thought until, of course, I became a beekeeper. This past weekend I extracted honey from my lost hive as well as some from the “Miracle” hive. Don’t worry – I left plenty of honey inside […]
A Surprise In The Bee Yard
I had quite a surprise when I went out to disassemble my bee hives at the Greensboro Science Center last week. After discovering that the hives were gone I decided to take apart the hive components and start with new ones this spring. When I’d checked and found that the bees were gone I had […]
Preparing My Bees For Winter – No Mites Allowed
Fall is here and winter around the corner. It’s that time of year when I must be certain my bees are ready for old man winter. Earlier this year when I went to observe and check on the hives I discovered all 3 hives at the Greensboro Science Center were no more, I was traumatized. […]
New Bees At Greensboro Science Center
The Greensboro Science Center has new bees! I have been holding off telling the story about how the hives were invaded by the nasty varroa mite and met their demise, until now. I made the discovery in February and it was one sad day for me and still disturbs me. On a happier note – I […]
The Importance of Honey ~ Fight Seasonal Allergies
Oil & Honey Edition ~ What is the importance of honey you may ask? Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, honey is the only food that never spoils! Pretty cool huh? Honey can help us both externally and internally. You know honey has been around for centuries. A natural healer and sweetener. I like to use it for […]