This is my breakfast. I eat yogurt topped with a combination of fruit, honey and often times granola, most days of the week. Not that I think it necessary for you to be enlightened to my breakfast choices, but fruit is an ongoing theme this summer and today it seemed effortless to photograph and then […]
I Won The Giveaway & Naked Berry Pies
I was pleasantly surprised, well it was more like totally excited when Ryan, over at Ryan Bakes held a giveaway for one of her favorite cookbooks and I won! The title, Desserts From The Famous Loveless Cafe. You’ll find the The Loveless Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee and opened its doors in 1951.
Berry Berry Delicious
I’m outta here! Temporarily, that is. I will be heading out-of-town later this week with a bunch of girlfriends to have girl time and fun times down at the river. The Guadalupe River in Texas is a wonderful place to unwind, relax, chill out, call it what you like.
A Jewel Of A Pie
I hate to do this, but I’m going to have to give credit where credit is due. I owe it all to Oprah. In one of her more recent “O” magazines she dedicates a few pages to pies. They all look delicious but the ones that caught my eye were these cute little hand pies. […]
Honey Fruit Dip
Staring at all this fresh, pure, local, and I do mean local, amber-colored, delectable honey sitting on my dining table for the last week inspired me to find a recipe that uses honey. I wanted something simple so I decided on a “dip”. I also found myself with fresh strawberries, blueberries, melons, cherries and some […]
Fruits Of Summer
Fruit: the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food. ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French, from Latin fructus‘enjoyment of produce, harvest,’ from frui ‘enjoy. The last two days have yielded the first peaches from my two peach trees. It is always a thrill to pick the first ripe peach of the season and […]
Strawberry Ugly Cake
First of all, let me say I am so happy sitting at my desk writing a blog post! Do you ever have those weeks where life just takes over and you have no choice but to put aside the things you love for the things you must? Last week turned into that kind of week for […]
An Exciting Day
My bees have arrived! My excitement level has been high today. I’m feeling a little more calm now that they are settled and I believe I will be able to tell you a little about the day. This morning I was pretty anxious waiting for my bees to be delivered. The weather was not cooperating […]
Last Summer’s Bounty-Tonight’s Dessert
Thank goodness for freezers! Last summer I was trying to figure out what in the world to do with over 150 pounds of fresh peaches. One method was to peel, pit, cut up and sprinkle with a little fruit fresh stuff, then freeze them in zip-lock baggies. I am so pleased that I preserved them […]
Frosty Berry-Pomegranate Smoothie
I woke up this morning to a grey, gloomy, chilly January day. This will not ruin my day. I had a few cups of – you guessed it – coffee. Deadman’s Reach Raven Brew to be exact. The back of the bag of Deadman’s Reach claims that it will “inspire great ideas and noble emotions” […]