When visiting Maui in January of this year this is the scene I was was first met with. A peaceful paradise right before my eyes. I was welcomed to the island by the gentle sound of ocean waves lapping the rocks on this strand of beach. Sea turtles entertained me as they popped their heads […]
5 Restaurants You Shouldn’t Miss When Visiting Quebec City and Montreal
The 5 restaurants you shouldn’t miss when visiting Quebec City and Montreal may or may not be ones you’ve heard of. I am a foodie and aren’t we all to some degree? My goal is to always eat the best food. One thing that is certain, in the time we spent in both cities there […]
Apple Pie in Amsterdam
So about that apple pie in Amsterdam… Before we left for our European trip I did a ton of research about the places we’d visit. Particularly Amsterdam and Gent as I’d only been to Amsterdam once and it was a long, long time ago and never to Gent. In fact my memories of Amsterdam were […]
Many Uses Of Beeswax – Natural Solutions
Oil & Honey Edition – I’ve got several new bee adventures to share with you in the coming weeks but today I want to share something I found regarding the many beneficial uses of beeswax. Compliments of the dreamy Dr. Axe. I often peruse his articles regarding the uses of essential oils and stumbled across this […]
Best Snickerdoodle Recipe Ever
If you love a Snickerdoodle and you are a chocoholic you’re going to go bonkers over this recipe! Intensely chocolate and packed with a flavor punch of cinnamon, they are the best Snickerdoodle EVER! I have to give credit to “Miss T” for sharing this recipe with me. I will also take this opportunity to […]