I love fruit crisps. After making this sweet, mixed berry crisp with real vanilla beans, cardamom, cinnamon and a pecan crunch topping I’m certain they rank at the top of my favorites list. I even like the way the juice bubbles up and over the edges. These sweet crisps would make a great non-traditional Valentine’s Day […]
Friday Fun Facts – Summer Fruits and Pollination
“Unique among all God’s creatures, only the honeybee improves the environment and preys not on any other species.” ~ Royden Brown Did you know that the sweet honey bee is the only insect that produces food consumed by man? Now that spring weather has finally arrived in most of the U.S. fruit orchards are beginning […]
I Don’t Like Pie
Or so says Miss T! It’s a true statement, the kid won’t eat a slice of pie but she likes to make and bake pies. When she was around eleven years old I signed her up for a pie making class at Central Market around the Christmas holidays.
I Won The Giveaway & Naked Berry Pies
I was pleasantly surprised, well it was more like totally excited when Ryan, over at Ryan Bakes http://www.ryanbakes.com/ held a giveaway for one of her favorite cookbooks and I won! The title, Desserts From The Famous Loveless Cafe. You’ll find the The Loveless Cafe in Nashville, Tennessee and opened its doors in 1951.
End of Green
March blew by in a hurry. Spring is in full force in North Texas, where I reside. Wind, rain and weeds abound. It seems yard work has taken over in the few free moments I can find. I couldn’t, however let March and “green month” end without one final post.
An Exciting Day
My bees have arrived! My excitement level has been high today. I’m feeling a little more calm now that they are settled and I believe I will be able to tell you a little about the day. This morning I was pretty anxious waiting for my bees to be delivered. The weather was not cooperating […]
Frosty Berry-Pomegranate Smoothie
I woke up this morning to a grey, gloomy, chilly January day. This will not ruin my day. I had a few cups of – you guessed it – coffee. Deadman’s Reach Raven Brew to be exact. The back of the bag of Deadman’s Reach claims that it will “inspire great ideas and noble emotions” […]