The Orange Bee is back to buzzin’! It has been quite some time since I felt inspired to write for The Orange Bee. I’ve missed blogging and I’ve missed YOU – my audience. Yes, sometimes life throws a curve ball and staying focused and on track can be challenging. A few years ago my life […]
Doors of Milan, Italy
The Doors of Milan, Italy are as interesting and beautiful as any I’ve seen in my travels. In fact I shot so many photos I’ll never be able to share them all with you, so I will choose the ones I find most captivating. The ones that truly cause me to stop in my tracks, […]
N.C. Blogger Network Featuring The Orange Bee
It is always nice to be recognized. It’s even nicer to be recognized in your own community – within your tribe. I was honored to be showcased on the N.C. Blogger Network this week and wanted to share the article with you. I’m not usually one to toot my own horn but hey….check it out! […]
I am a food blogger – I write about food among other topics such as wine, food tours and wine tastings, bee keeping and honey and an occasional travel post. Some of the requirements of a food blogger are delving through countless recipes, recipe development, preparing the recipes, photographing them, editing photos, and writing. Oh […]
Can I Diversify My Blog Successfully?
A few posts back I talked about how glad I am to see 2016 arrive! A new year always spurs me to consider new ideas, change things up a bit, DIVERSIFY! This year the thought I am most focused on is my blog and the need or more precisely the want to diversify it. I hit a […]
Have YOU Been Hacked?
Hey everyone! A little over a month ago my blog was hacked. A royal pain in the ass! I went through the logical steps to get it cleaned up with my server and tech girl. Everything seemed to be clear and I was off and running after being off line for about 2 days. […]
A Happy New Year
Happy New Year! 2016 is here and not a moment too soon for me. Do you ever experience a year where the “good” events are outnumbered by the “not so good” ones? I can’t really say 2015 was unpleasant or dreadful by any means, other than the traumatic fall I took in February while walking […]
Fine Awards
One of the nice perks of blogging is that every so often awards are handed out from fellow bloggers. Right before the craziness of Thanksgiving two fellow bloggers bestowed the honor upon me. Now before I’m completely engulfed in the Christmas frenzy I wanted to pass on the awards and say thanks. Oh, by the […]