One of my Christmas gifts from my man, Dan was the Cook’s Illustrated Baking Book! It was a welcome surprise! Back in the fall when we attended an Octoberfest party the hostess showed me this book and I’m sure I made the comment, “I need this book”. My husband is good at making note of […]
Pie For Your Christmas Table
This is such a busy time of year for all of us. I barely have the bandwidth to spend time at my desk blogging because I’d rather be baking pies! Today I’m sharing recipes for a “variety of pies” for your Christmas table. In The Orange Bee kitchen there will definitely be a Bourbon Pecan […]
5 Valuable Kitchen Substitutions You Need To Know
I “almost” had a bad day in the kitchen today. I say “almost”, everything turned out alright after-all. That’s because I was able to make a substitution for an ingredient I discovered I was out of! Normally I would grab my car keys and run to the closest grocery store and get whatever I don’t […]
Avocado-Buttermilk Dressing
If you’ve been following my blog you might have noticed that bottled salad dressing is not my favorite. I’ll take oil and vinegar over bottled dressing any day. It’s such a simple affair to whip up one’s own dressing and the rewards are terrific. Well worth the effort. This is one of those recipes I […]
Spring Break
Spring Break! It’s half over. UGH! That went waaaaay too fast. I’ll be taking a short break from blogging for the next few days. If you too are on spring break I hope you are making the most of it and having a ball at whatever you are doing. Miss T and I will be […]
Lightened Up Biscuits
Last weekend my man Dan was in Las Vegas, sin city, to photograph the goings on at a convention for one of his clients. His take on L.V. is, “it’s like Disneyland on crack”. I don’t think he saw the light of day until he’d been there for three days and was forced to venture […]
Banana Chocolate Chip Bread
Today is hot, humid, cloudy, windy and every so often the sun peeks through the grey sky causing it to feel sweltering. Blech! My least favorite type of weather. Here’s the good stuff, it is Friday, I baked Banana Chocolate Chip Bread! A bit of baking time in the kitchen brought a smile to my […]