One chilly weekend morning I was hungry for a breakfast sandwich – one like those found at fast food restaurants. An Egg McMuffin type sandwich to be exact. I am not a fan of fast food restaurants. In fact, I don’t “do” fast food restaurants! I couldn’t begin to tell you the last time I […]
Strawberry Galette ~ For Your Valentine
Strawberry Galette is the perfect treat for your Valentine. Gift it to your bestie, your mom, or your sweetheart but make this for Valentine’s Day! Super simple, sweet enough and full of almond and berry flavors. It’s luscious with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a dollop of creme fraiche or a spoonful of fresh whipped cream! These juicy, […]
Mel i Mato
I’ve been into making easy, light and yummy desserts lately. This may be the easiest of all. Here is an excerpt from Wikipedia about Mel i Mato: Mató (Catalan pronunciation: [məˈto]) is a Catalan fresh cheese made from cows’ or goats’ milk, with no salt added. It is usually served with honey, as a dessert, called […]
Faux Mac & Cheese
I’ve been finding all sorts of positives in my life of late, sans the Mr. The obvious positive is, he’s been shooting furniture out-of-state for a well-known retailer for 5 weeks now. Bringin’ home the bacon = good. Another less important but equally positive aspect is the ease of making the bed each morning. Basically […]
In My Kitchen
I was delighted while perusing our crowded blogosphere when I came upon a blog named Fig Jam and Lime Cordial. I thoroughly enjoyed Celia’a post “In My Kitchen”. When I got to the end I realized she was encouraging us to write a similar post based on what is in our kitchens.
One of the nicer things about blogging – meeting fellow bloggers. After stumbling on my “Orange Cheesecake” recipe, Lisa at invited me to join her Citrus Fest-Blog Hop. I’m in! Check out her link above for some great citrus loving recipes! I’m working on a new post that I’ll also link up with her as it’s […]
Figs on Friday
Every time I opened my refrigerator in the last couple of days, the bowl of remaining figs I’d purchased at the Sulphur Springs farmers market kept beckoning to me. I didn’t want to allow them to go bad but hadn’t decided what to do with them. It was weighing on my mind. I decided to […]
Cheese Please
Cheesecake, that is! If you’ve followed my blog you already know this past weekend was a big time at The Orange Bee. Miss T was celebrating her 17th birthday – a little early. I am tickled that she requested cheesecake for her birthday dinner dessert. It disappeared quickly, meaning no calorie laden cake staring me […]
It’s World Famous
It has been a busy, busy week around The Orange Bee. This weekend will also be a whirlwind, beginning with tonight’s early birthday celebration for Miss T. Seventeen, 17, oh my gosh she will be turning 17 in a few days. How does this happen? She’s pleased as punch to be gaining years but for […]
A Zillion and One
This week I had some fresh asparagus staring out at me every time I opened the refrigerator door. I totally wanted to eat that asparagus but I also wanted to do something different with it. All week-long I was pondering those lovely green stalks. This weeks meals never lent themselves to the addition of asparagus […]