This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #BigGameSnacks #CollectiveBias So much basketball this time of year requires some yummy #BigGameSnacks to serve while watching all the games on TV. I came up with an idea for a savory cheesecake, using Cheez-It Grooves for the crust, avocado, spices, […]
Recipe Round-Up – Our Growing Edge
I am honored to host the November 2014 edition of Our Growing Edge-a monthly blogging event that brings bloggers worldwide together to share their recipes. You know what the best part of this is? I’ll be sharing them with you! Get excited…..get VERY excited! Let’s get started with Andre The Baker. She is 19, a baker, […]
Gluten Free Lemon-Ricotta Cheesecake
Since I began working at the Savory Spice Shop I’ve heard quite a bit of information from folks eating gluten-free. Some out of necessity, as they have Celiac disease, others “going Paleo” and most as a new style of eating. I have heard many times that since cutting gluten out of ones diet a myriad […]
Where Have I Been?
Of late, I have been a failure at blogging. I do however, have a few good excuses. It has been over a month since my last post. July 29 was the last time I found time or energy to write. For my regular readers you may recall my husband being out-of-town on business during honey […]
Cheesecakes Galore
I find myself so busy of late that my blogging time is minimal. I do not like this. Bee season is in full swing, Miss T is home for the summer, wedding plans are at the beginning of crunch time, I have a job now and on and on…..
2012 – A Look Back
As the end of 2012 fast approaches I find myself reflecting back on events that took place in my life and kitchen. The biggest event in my life would be Miss T heading off to college, leaving her parents as “empty nesters”. I enjoyed the beautiful beaches of the BVI’s and USVI’s for the first […]
A Bunch Of Hullabaloo
All the fuss was about Hullabaloo Diner! In my last post I shared with you that my man Dan and I would be moving Miss T to college. She’s all settled in now, a full-fledged college student. Making friends, attending classes, checking out the boys, doing homework, finding her way to the rec center regularly, […]
Another Birthday
Today I am taking a break from posting a vintage recipe as it is Miss T’s 18th birthday! I’ve got a fun vintage salad recipe coming up but today I bring you Chocolate Swirl-Espresso Cheesecake.
Berry Berry Delicious
I’m outta here! Temporarily, that is. I will be heading out-of-town later this week with a bunch of girlfriends to have girl time and fun times down at the river. The Guadalupe River in Texas is a wonderful place to unwind, relax, chill out, call it what you like.
A Sweet Diversion
From time to time I’ve mentioned Ryan over at She did the nicest thing and invited me to write a “guest post” for her blog while she and her adoring hubby took a little trip to celebrate their anniversary. I agreed immediately and am happy to see my post up on her site today. […]