Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are the bomb! I love a peanut butter cookie with some softness and crunch – you? I feel a little silly that I never knew exactly how when I bought a pb cookie from a bakery they had crunch and were soft and chewy at the same time. Duh! I […]
Honey, Orange & Ginger Cookies + Cookies Galore
The month of November I was chosen by Genie of Bunny Eats Design to host “Our Growing Edge”. It is a round up of recipes sent in by bloggers from around the world. A wonderful way to share and get to know other bloggers, we all have a common interest – do we not? All month I’ll […]
I’m Running Away From Home
Only joking! But if I were, I’d tie some of these Monster Cookies up in a red bandana and throw them in my knapsack. These cookies could stand in for a meal! Filling, full of fiber – oatmeal, nuts – macadamias and of course some chocolate chips, dark chocolate chips. They also include natural peanut […]
Golden Orange & Chocolate Chip Waffles
“Orange” month is quickly coming to an end. Charles, over at Five Euro Food, who I might say posts some enticing photos and recipes, wrote a post about Swedish Waffles. I commented on how pretty and tasty they looked. He, later asked me about waffle recipes in America.
Earthy Oatmeal Cranberry Chocolate Chip Cookies
Comfort cookies…again! These cookies border on healthy – not what usually comes out of my oven. I was in the mood for oatmeal cookies but was craving chocolate and cranberries. Don’t ask me why, because I haven’t an answer. After mulling this over for a few hours I decided to throw them all together […]