When visiting Maui in January of this year this is the scene I was was first met with. A peaceful paradise right before my eyes. I was welcomed to the island by the gentle sound of ocean waves lapping the rocks on this strand of beach. Sea turtles entertained me as they popped their heads […]
My First Trip To Cuba and Why I Fell In Love
I recently returned from my first trip to Cuba. I’ll start by saying, “I fell in love with Cuba”. I’ve been home for one month now and all I can think about is how I want to go back. Not only do I want to explore more of the places we visited but I want […]
Why You Should Visit Gent, Belgium
I’ve visited Belgium before. Brussels only and many years ago. I remember it being a clean city with countless red brick buildings. Can you tell it was a long, long time ago? After doing my research on visiting Belgium I quickly narrowed down our choices to Brugge or Gent aka Ghent. I’m sure we would’ve […]
Divining Rod~Mulled Wine~Positively Witchy
Mulled wine – the quintessential holiday beverage! It’s a big ole’ warm and fuzzy hug in a mug. You’ll feel warm through and through and your kitchen will smell ahhhh..mazing! My neighbors have voted me as the official cocktail maker for our annual Halloween Trick or Treat get together! I’m honored, but I owe it […]
Dark and Stormy
This summer while vacationing in the British Virgin Islands I had the pleasure of being introduced to this cocktail. It has become my preferred libation on hot afternoons of late. The refreshing taste of ginger beer and the strong rum flavor will surely take me through fall months as well, I seriously like this drink! […]