The credit for this Tomato Tart goes to Jose Andres. I’ve been following Andres, founder of World Central Kitchen, for quite some time now. He is not paying me to write this or share his recipe. But – hey, “Jose…..wanna collaborate?” In 2019 he published his latest cookbook titled “Vegetables Unleashed”. This recipe is from […]
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies From The Cook’s Illustrated Baking Book
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are the bomb! I love a peanut butter cookie with some softness and crunch – you? I feel a little silly that I never knew exactly how when I bought a pb cookie from a bakery they had crunch and were soft and chewy at the same time. Duh! I […]
2018 Book Review
Happy New Year everyone! 2019 is here and along with it comes my 2018 book review. I’m 2 books short of the number of books I read in 2017 but 7 for the year is nothing to be ashamed of! Please leave me a comment at the end and share which books you most enjoyed […]
Pumpkin Loaves
Pumpkin Loaves. This recipe is from the first cookbook I obtained as an adult, well if you consider 19 adulthood. I did way back then, but of course that was before I had kids of my own. The book needs to go to a book binder and be put back together. It is so well used it’s […]
Silver Palate Brownies
This week found me in the mood for some chocolate and ice cream. While thumbing through a few cookbooks for ice cream recipes I found inspiration from photos in the Silver Palate Cookbook and decided I would make something chocolate from that particular book. Do you ever do that? Do you ever decide I’m going to […]
Please, Please Help Me, Help Me, Help Meeeee, Oooooooh!
If you are reading this post I am asking for your help. I don’t receive many comments on my blog but I raise a question and I need your assistance, whether a loyal reader or if you just stumbled onto The Orange Bee, please take a minute and leave me your thoughts on the following […]