What could be better than a party full of “Sweet Treats”? I can’t think of a thing! Lisa at “Sweet As Sugar Cookies” invited me to join her party with that delicious Orange Cheesecake. I love a party and I joined right in. Thanks for the invite Lisa! If you have a sweet tooth drop […]
One of the nicer things about blogging – meeting fellow bloggers. After stumbling on my “Orange Cheesecake” recipe, Lisa at http://smartfoodandfit.com/ invited me to join her Citrus Fest-Blog Hop. I’m in! Check out her link above for some great citrus loving recipes! I’m working on a new post that I’ll also link up with her as it’s […]
First Anniversary Celebration
Happy New Year to you and Happy Anniversary to The Orange Bee! The folks at word press made it pretty simple for me to summarize my first year of blogging, statistically speaking, that is. It seems that my post titled “Cheese Please” received more hits than any other. Here is the link incase you missed […]
A Jewel Of A Pie
I hate to do this, but I’m going to have to give credit where credit is due. I owe it all to Oprah. In one of her more recent “O” magazines she dedicates a few pages to pies. They all look delicious but the ones that caught my eye were these cute little hand pies. […]
Rosemary Goat Cheese Spread
Until recently, I’ve been appetizer challenged. You would never catch me volunteering to bring the appetizer to a dinner party or casual get together. If you’ve followed my blog for a while you’ve no doubt noticed a small handful of appetizers grace the pages of The Orange Bee. With the addition of this fantastically delicious […]
Cheese Please
Cheesecake, that is! If you’ve followed my blog you already know this past weekend was a big time at The Orange Bee. Miss T was celebrating her 17th birthday – a little early. I am tickled that she requested cheesecake for her birthday dinner dessert. It disappeared quickly, meaning no calorie laden cake staring me […]
Happy Valentine’s Day
February 14, the day of love. I was challenged with deciding what to create to show the love to my family on Valentine’s Day. It’s not that I don’t have a zillion yummy dessert recipes to choose from or half a zillion that I’ve never tried but want to. No, that was not the problem. […]