Only 18 days until you can meet the chefs at the Community Table fundraiser. Dinner, cocktails, cold brews, live music, you can have it all on Sunday, September 30, beginning at 4:30 in the afternoon. Benefiting Triad Local First, a non-profit membership organization based right here in Greensboro, North Carolina, with over 360 members – retail […]
Pie For Your Christmas Table
This is such a busy time of year for all of us. I barely have the bandwidth to spend time at my desk blogging because I’d rather be baking pies! Today I’m sharing recipes for a “variety of pies” for your Christmas table. In The Orange Bee kitchen there will definitely be a Bourbon Pecan […]
Apple Pie in Amsterdam
So about that apple pie in Amsterdam… Before we left for our European trip I did a ton of research about the places we’d visit. Particularly Amsterdam and Gent as I’d only been to Amsterdam once and it was a long, long time ago and never to Gent. In fact my memories of Amsterdam were […]
Southern Living’s Classic Southern Pound Cake
I can’t remember the last time I made a pound cake. It’s not something I’ve done many times before. Maybe once or twice. I’m not sure why because they sure are delicious. Buttery vanilla flavors, the perfect dessert to serve with a scoop of ice cream, whipped cream, or summer berries. I always look forward […]
Honey Flan
Oil & Honey Edition Reposting a recipe because it’s so easy and elegant and perfect for a summer dessert, plus it uses honey! Last week I posted a Coconut Flan recipe using honey and coconut milk.. I enjoyed the flan so much and was so surprised at the ease in making it that I decided to […]
Brownies You’ll Drool Over
This morning I was editing old Orange Bee posts and came to this Mexican Mocha Brownie one. This recipe is one of my all -time favorites. Brownies with a hint of cinnamon and coffee- seriously y’all they are amazingly delicious. I wish I could find more, better words to describe them but maybe you should […]
Berry Crisp
I love fruit crisps. After making this sweet, mixed berry crisp with real vanilla beans, cardamom, cinnamon and a pecan crunch topping I’m certain they rank at the top of my favorites list. I even like the way the juice bubbles up and over the edges. These sweet crisps would make a great non-traditional Valentine’s Day […]
Gold Bars
Here it is, the recipe for Gold Bars. This is such a simple recipe, easy to whip up and not time-consuming at all. On the day you decide to make these be sure to take out the butter and cream cheese ahead of time for softening. Once you begin the recipe you’ll have them in […]
Gluten Free Lemon-Ricotta Cheesecake
Since I began working at the Savory Spice Shop I’ve heard quite a bit of information from folks eating gluten-free. Some out of necessity, as they have Celiac disease, others “going Paleo” and most as a new style of eating. I have heard many times that since cutting gluten out of ones diet a myriad […]
Please, Please Help Me, Help Me, Help Meeeee, Oooooooh!
If you are reading this post I am asking for your help. I don’t receive many comments on my blog but I raise a question and I need your assistance, whether a loyal reader or if you just stumbled onto The Orange Bee, please take a minute and leave me your thoughts on the following […]